" Author: Eddie Lebow https://github.com/elebow " Description: Brakeman, a static analyzer for Rails security let g:ale_ruby_brakeman_options = \ get(g:, 'ale_ruby_brakeman_options', '') function! ale_linters#ruby#brakeman#Handle(buffer, lines) abort if len(a:lines) == 0 return [] endif let l:result = json_decode(join(a:lines, '')) let l:output = [] for l:warning in l:result.warnings " Brakeman always outputs paths relative to the Rails app root let l:rails_root = s:FindRailsRoot(a:buffer) let l:warning_file = l:rails_root . '/' . l:warning.file if !ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, l:warning_file) continue endif let l:text = l:warning.warning_type . ' ' . l:warning.message . ' (' . l:warning.confidence . ')' let l:line = l:warning.line != v:null ? l:warning.line : 1 call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': l:line, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'text': l:text, \}) endfor return l:output endfunction function! ale_linters#ruby#brakeman#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:rails_root = s:FindRailsRoot(a:buffer) if l:rails_root ==? '' return '' endif return 'brakeman -f json -q ' \ . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'ruby_brakeman_options') \ . ' -p ' . ale#Escape(l:rails_root) endfunction function! s:FindRailsRoot(buffer) abort " Find the nearest dir contining "app", "db", and "config", and assume it is " the root of a Rails app. for l:name in ['app', 'config', 'db'] let l:dir = fnamemodify( \ ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, l:name), \ ':h:h' \) if l:dir !=# '.' \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/app') \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/config') \&& isdirectory(l:dir . '/db') return l:dir endif endfor return '' endfunction call ale#linter#Define('ruby', { \ 'name': 'brakeman', \ 'executable': 'brakeman', \ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#ruby#brakeman#GetCommand', \ 'callback': 'ale_linters#ruby#brakeman#Handle', \ 'lint_file': 1, \})