" Author: w0rp " Description: Echoes lint message for the current line, if any " Return a formatted message according to g:ale_echo_msg_format variable function! s:GetMessage(linter, type, text) abort let l:msg = g:ale_echo_msg_format let l:type = a:type ==# 'E' \ ? g:ale_echo_msg_error_str \ : g:ale_echo_msg_warning_str " Replace handlers if they exist for [l:k, l:v] in items({'linter': a:linter, 'severity': l:type}) let l:msg = substitute(l:msg, '\V%' . l:k . '%', l:v, '') endfor return printf(l:msg, a:text) endfunction function! s:EchoWithShortMess(setting, message) abort " We need to remember the setting for shormess and reset it again. let l:shortmess_options = getbufvar('%', '&shortmess') try " Turn shortmess on or off. if a:setting ==# 'on' setlocal shortmess+=T " echomsg is neede for the message to get truncated and appear in " the message history. exec "norm! :echomsg a:message\n" elseif a:setting ==# 'off' setlocal shortmess-=T " Regular echo is needed for printing newline characters. echo a:message else throw 'Invalid setting: ' . string(a:setting) endif finally call setbufvar('%', '&shortmess', l:shortmess_options) endtry endfunction function! ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(message) abort let l:message = a:message " Change tabs to spaces. let l:message = substitute(l:message, "\t", ' ', 'g') " Remove any newlines in the message. let l:message = substitute(l:message, "\n", '', 'g') call s:EchoWithShortMess('on', l:message) endfunction function! s:FindItemAtCursor() abort let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('%'), {'loclist': []}) let l:pos = getcurpos() let l:index = ale#util#BinarySearch(l:info.loclist, l:pos[1], l:pos[2]) let l:loc = l:index >= 0 ? l:info.loclist[l:index] : {} return [l:info, l:loc] endfunction function! s:StopCursorTimer() abort if s:cursor_timer != -1 call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer) let s:cursor_timer = -1 endif endfunction function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning(...) abort " Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems. if mode() !=# 'n' return endif let [l:info, l:loc] = s:FindItemAtCursor() if !empty(l:loc) let l:msg = s:GetMessage(l:loc.linter_name, l:loc.type, l:loc.text) call ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(l:msg) let l:info.echoed = 1 elseif get(l:info, 'echoed') " We'll only clear the echoed message when moving off errors once, " so we don't continually clear the echo line. echo let l:info.echoed = 0 endif endfunction let s:cursor_timer = -1 let s:last_pos = [0, 0, 0] function! ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay() abort if ale#ShouldDoNothing() return endif call s:StopCursorTimer() let l:pos = getcurpos()[0:2] " Check the current buffer, line, and column number against the last " recorded position. If the position has actually changed, *then* " we should echo something. Otherwise we can end up doing processing " the echo message far too frequently. if l:pos != s:last_pos let s:last_pos = l:pos let s:cursor_timer = timer_start(10, function('ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning')) endif endfunction function! ale#cursor#ShowCursorDetail() abort " Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems. if mode() !=# 'n' return endif call s:StopCursorTimer() let [l:info, l:loc] = s:FindItemAtCursor() if !empty(l:loc) let l:message = get(l:loc, 'detail', l:loc.text) call s:EchoWithShortMess('off', l:message) " Set the echo marker, so we can clear it by moving the cursor. let l:info.echoed = 1 endif endfunction