Before: Save g:ale_run_synchronously let b:old_filetype = &filetype let g:ale_run_synchronously = 1 noautocmd let &filetype = 'foobar' function! TestCallback(buffer, output) return [{'text': 'x', 'lnum': 1}] endfunction call ale#linter#Define('foobar', { \ 'name': 'buffer_linter', \ 'callback': 'TestCallback', \ 'executable': 'true', \ 'command': 'true', \ 'read_buffer': 0, \}) call ale#linter#Define('foobar2', { \ 'name': 'buffer_linter', \ 'callback': 'TestCallback', \ 'executable': 'true', \ 'command': 'true', \ 'read_buffer': 0, \}) After: Restore noautocmd let &filetype = b:old_filetype unlet b:old_filetype delfunction TestCallback if has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('')) call remove(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('')) endif call ale#Queue(0) Execute(Error should be removed when the filetype changes to something else we cannot check): call ale#Queue(0) AssertEqual 1, len(getloclist(0)) noautocmd let &filetype = 'foobar2' call ale#Queue(0) " We should get some items from the second filetype. AssertEqual 1, len(getloclist(0)) noautocmd let &filetype = 'xxx' call ale#Queue(0) AssertEqual 0, len(getloclist(0))