Before: let g:ale_buffer_info = { \ bufnr('%'): { \ 'loclist': [ \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 1, 'col': 2}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 1, 'col': 3}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 1}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 2}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 3}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 6}, \ {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 2, 'col': 700}, \ ], \ }, \} function! TestJump(position, wrap, pos) call cursor(a:pos) if type(a:position) == type(0) call ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(a:position) else call ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(a:position, a:wrap) endif return getcurpos()[1:2] endfunction After: let g:ale_buffer_info = {} delfunction TestJump Given foobar (Some imaginary filetype): 12345678 12345678 Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly when not wrapping): AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 0, [2, 2]) AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 0, [2, 1]) AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 2]) AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 0, [1, 3]) AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 4]) AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('after', 0, [2, 6]) Execute(loclist jumping should jump correctly when wrapping): AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('before', 1, [2, 2]) AssertEqual [1, 3], TestJump('before', 1, [2, 1]) AssertEqual [2, 3], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 2]) AssertEqual [2, 1], TestJump('after', 1, [1, 3]) AssertEqual [2, 6], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 4]) AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, [2, 8]) AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, [1, 2]) Execute(loclist jumping not jump when the loclist is empty): let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = [] AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 0, [1, 6]) AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('before', 1, [1, 6]) AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 0, [1, 6]) AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump('after', 1, [1, 6]) Execute(We should be able to jump to the last item): AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump(-1, 0, [1, 6]) Execute(We shouldn't move when jumping to the last item where there are none): let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = [] AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(-1, 0, [1, 6]) Execute(We should be able to jump to the first item): AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump(0, 0, [1, 6]) Execute(We shouldn't move when jumping to the first item where there are none): let g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist = [] AssertEqual [1, 6], TestJump(0, 0, [1, 6]) Execute(We should be able to jump when the error line is blank): call add(g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('%')].loclist, {'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'lnum': 3, 'col': 1}) AssertEqual 0, len(getline(3)) AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 0, [3, 1]) AssertEqual [2, 8], TestJump('before', 1, [3, 1]) AssertEqual [3, 1], TestJump('after', 0, [3, 1]) AssertEqual [1, 2], TestJump('after', 1, [3, 1])