After: let g:ale_has_override = {} Execute(ale#path#Upwards should return the correct path components for Unix): let g:ale_has_override = {'win32': 0} " Absolute paths should include / on the end. AssertEqual \ ['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar', '/foo', '/'], \ ale#path#Upwards('/foo/bar/baz') AssertEqual \ ['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar', '/foo', '/'], \ ale#path#Upwards('/foo/bar/baz///') " Relative paths do not. AssertEqual \ ['foo/bar/baz', 'foo/bar', 'foo'], \ ale#path#Upwards('foo/bar/baz') AssertEqual \ ['foo2/bar', 'foo2'], \ ale#path#Upwards('foo//..////foo2////bar') " Expect an empty List for empty strings. AssertEqual [], ale#path#Upwards('') Execute(ale#path#Upwards should return the correct path components for Windows): let g:ale_has_override = {'win32': 1} AssertEqual \ ['C:\foo\bar\baz', 'C:\foo\bar', 'C:\foo', 'C:\'], \ ale#path#Upwards('C:\foo\bar\baz') AssertEqual \ ['C:\foo\bar\baz', 'C:\foo\bar', 'C:\foo', 'C:\'], \ ale#path#Upwards('C:\foo\bar\baz\\\') AssertEqual \ ['/foo\bar\baz', '/foo\bar', '/foo', '/'], \ ale#path#Upwards('/foo/bar/baz') AssertEqual \ ['foo\bar\baz', 'foo\bar', 'foo'], \ ale#path#Upwards('foo/bar/baz') AssertEqual \ ['foo\bar\baz', 'foo\bar', 'foo'], \ ale#path#Upwards('foo\bar\baz') " simplify() is used internally, and should sort out \ paths when actually " running Windows, which we can't test here. AssertEqual \ ['foo2\bar', 'foo2'], \ ale#path#Upwards('foo//..///foo2////bar') " Expect an empty List for empty strings. AssertEqual [], ale#path#Upwards('') " Paths starting with // return / AssertEqual \ ['/foo2\bar', '/foo2', '/'], \ ale#path#Upwards('//foo//..///foo2////bar')