scriptencoding utf8 " Author: w0rp " Description: This module implements error/warning highlighting. if !hlexists('ALEError') highlight link ALEError SpellBad endif if !hlexists('ALEWarning') highlight link ALEWarning SpellCap endif " This map holds highlights to be set when buffers are opened. " We can only set highlights for whatever the current buffer is, so we will " wait until the buffer is entered again to show the highlights, unless " the buffer is in focus when linting completes. let s:buffer_highlights = {} function! ale#highlight#UnqueueHighlights(buffer) abort if has_key(s:buffer_highlights, a:buffer) call remove(s:buffer_highlights, a:buffer) endif endfunction function! s:RemoveOldHighlights() abort for l:match in getmatches() if l:match['group'] ==# 'ALEError' || l:match['group'] ==# 'ALEWarning' call matchdelete(l:match['id']) endif endfor endfunction function! ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() abort let l:buffer = bufnr('%') let l:has_new_items = has_key(s:buffer_highlights, l:buffer) let l:loclist = l:has_new_items ? remove(s:buffer_highlights, l:buffer) : [] if l:has_new_items || !g:ale_enabled call s:RemoveOldHighlights() endif if l:has_new_items for l:item in l:loclist let l:col = l:item.col let l:group = l:item.type ==# 'E' ? 'ALEError' : 'ALEWarning' let l:line = l:item.lnum let l:size = 1 call matchaddpos(l:group, [[l:line, l:col, l:size]]) endfor endif endfunction augroup ALEHighlightBufferGroup autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() augroup END function! ale#highlight#SetHighlights(buffer, loclist) abort " Only set set items for the buffer if ALE is enabled. if g:ale_enabled " Set a list of items to be set as highlights for a buffer when " we next open it. " " We'll filter the loclist down to items we can set now. let s:buffer_highlights[a:buffer] = filter( \ deepcopy(a:loclist), \ 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer && v:val.col > 0' \) " Update highlights for the current buffer, which may or may not " be the buffer we just set highlights for. call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights() endif endfunction