=============================================================================== ALE JavaScript Integration *ale-javascript-options* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eslint *ale-javascript-eslint* g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable *g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'eslint'` ALE will first discover the eslint path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. This variable can be set to change the path to eslint. If you have eslint_d installed, you can set this option to use eslint_d instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of eslint, set |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_eslint_options *g:ale_javascript_eslint_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to eslint. g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for eslint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of eslint, in preference to locally installed versions of eslint in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- flow *ale-javascript-flow* g:ale_javascript_flow_executable *g:ale_javascript_flow_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'flow'` ALE will first discover the flow path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of flow, set |g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global *g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for flow first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of flow, in preference to locally installed versions of flow in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jshint *ale-javascript-jshint* g:ale_javascript_jshint_executable *g:ale_javascript_jshint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'jshint'` ALE will first discover the jshint path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. This variable can be changed to change the path to jshint. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of jshint, set |g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for jshint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of jshint, in preference to locally installed versions of jshint in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- standard *ale-javascript-standard* g:ale_javascript_standard_executable *g:ale_javascript_standard_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'standard'` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable| g:ale_javascript_standard_options *g:ale_javascript_standard_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to standard. g:ale_javascript_standard_use_global *g:ale_javascript_standard_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xo *ale-javascript-xo* g:ale_javascript_xo_executable *g:ale_javascript_xo_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'xo'` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable| g:ale_javascript_xo_options *g:ale_javascript_xo_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to xo. g:ale_javascript_xo_use_global *g:ale_javascript_xo_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: