" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com> " Description: gcc linter for c files call ale#Set('c_gcc_executable', 'gcc') call ale#Set('c_gcc_options', '-std=c11 -Wall') function! ale_linters#c#gcc#GetExecutable(buffer) abort return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_gcc_executable') endfunction function! ale_linters#c#gcc#GetCommand(buffer, output) abort let l:cflags = ale#c#GetCFlags(a:buffer, a:output) " -iquote with the directory the file is in makes #include work for " headers in the same directory. return ale#Escape(ale_linters#c#gcc#GetExecutable(a:buffer)) \ . ' -S -x c -fsyntax-only ' \ . '-iquote ' . ale#Escape(fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p:h')) . ' ' \ . l:cflags \ . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'c_gcc_options') . ' -' endfunction call ale#linter#Define('c', { \ 'name': 'gcc', \ 'output_stream': 'stderr', \ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#c#gcc#GetExecutable', \ 'command_chain': [ \ {'callback': 'ale#c#GetMakeCommand', 'output_stream': 'stdout'}, \ {'callback': 'ale_linters#c#gcc#GetCommand'} \ ], \ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#gcc#HandleGCCFormat', \})