" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com> " Description: Primary code path for the plugin " Manages execution of linters when requested by autocommands let s:lint_timer = -1 function! ale#Queue(delay) abort " Do nothing for blacklisted files. if index(g:ale_filetype_blacklist, &filetype) >= 0 return endif if s:lint_timer != -1 call timer_stop(s:lint_timer) let s:lint_timer = -1 endif let l:linters = ale#linter#Get(&filetype) if len(l:linters) == 0 " There are no linters to lint with, so stop here. return endif if a:delay > 0 let s:lint_timer = timer_start(a:delay, function('ale#Lint')) else call ale#Lint() endif endfunction function! ale#Lint(...) abort " Do nothing for blacklisted files. if index(g:ale_filetype_blacklist, &filetype) >= 0 return endif let l:buffer = bufnr('%') let l:linters = ale#linter#Get(&filetype) " Initialise the buffer information if needed. call ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(l:buffer) " Clear the new loclist again, so we will work with all new items. let g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].new_loclist = [] for l:linter in l:linters " Check if a given linter has a program which can be executed. if has_key(l:linter, 'executable_callback') let l:executable = ale#util#GetFunction(l:linter.executable_callback)(l:buffer) else let l:executable = l:linter.executable endif if !executable(l:executable) " The linter's program cannot be executed, so skip it. continue endif call ale#engine#Invoke(l:buffer, l:linter) endfor endfunction