Before: call ale#fix#registry#Clear() function GetSuggestions() redir => l:output silent ALEFixSuggest redir END return split(l:output, "\n") endfunction After: call ale#fix#registry#ResetToDefaults() delfunction GetSuggestions Execute(ALEFixSuggest should return something sensible with no suggestions): AssertEqual \ [ \ 'There is nothing in the registry to suggest.', \ ], \ GetSuggestions() Execute(ALEFixSuggest output should be correct for only generic handlers): call ale#fix#registry#Add('zed', 'XYZ', [], 'Zedify things.') call ale#fix#registry#Add('alpha', 'XYZ', [], 'Alpha things.') AssertEqual \ [ \ 'Try the following generic fixers:', \ '', \ '''alpha'' - Alpha things.', \ '''zed'' - Zedify things.', \ '', \ 'See :help ale-fix-configuration', \ ], \ GetSuggestions() Execute(ALEFixSuggest output should be correct for only filetype handlers): let &filetype = 'testft2.testft' call ale#fix#registry#Add('zed', 'XYZ', ['testft2'], 'Zedify things.') call ale#fix#registry#Add('alpha', 'XYZ', ['testft'], 'Alpha things.') AssertEqual \ [ \ 'Try the following fixers appropriate for the filetype:', \ '', \ '''alpha'' - Alpha things.', \ '''zed'' - Zedify things.', \ '', \ 'See :help ale-fix-configuration', \ ], \ GetSuggestions() Execute(ALEFixSuggest should suggest filetype and generic handlers): let &filetype = 'testft2.testft' call ale#fix#registry#Add('zed', 'XYZ', ['testft2'], 'Zedify things.') call ale#fix#registry#Add('alpha', 'XYZ', ['testft'], 'Alpha things.') call ale#fix#registry#Add('generic', 'XYZ', [], 'Generic things.') AssertEqual \ [ \ 'Try the following fixers appropriate for the filetype:', \ '', \ '''alpha'' - Alpha things.', \ '''zed'' - Zedify things.', \ '', \ 'Try the following generic fixers:', \ '', \ '''generic'' - Generic things.', \ '', \ 'See :help ale-fix-configuration', \ ], \ GetSuggestions()