" Author: w0rp " Description: Language Server Protocol client code " A List of connections, used for tracking servers which have been connected " to, and programs which are run. let s:connections = [] let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id = 1 function! s:NewConnection() abort " id: The job ID as a Number, or the server address as a string. " data: The message data received so far. " executable: An executable only set for program connections. " open_documents: A list of buffers we told the server we opened. " callback_list: A list of callbacks for handling LSP responses. let l:conn = { \ 'id': '', \ 'data': '', \ 'projects': {}, \ 'open_documents': [], \ 'callback_list': [], \} call add(s:connections, l:conn) return l:conn endfunction function! s:FindConnection(key, value) abort for l:conn in s:connections if has_key(l:conn, a:key) && get(l:conn, a:key) == a:value return l:conn endif endfor return {} endfunction function! ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID() abort " Use the current ID let l:id = g:ale_lsp_next_message_id " Increment the ID variable. let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id += 1 " When the ID overflows, reset it to 1. By the time we hit the initial ID " again, the messages will be long gone. if g:ale_lsp_next_message_id < 1 let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id = 1 endif return l:id endfunction " TypeScript messages use a different format. function! s:CreateTSServerMessageData(message) abort let l:is_notification = a:message[0] let l:obj = { \ 'seq': v:null, \ 'type': 'request', \ 'command': a:message[1][3:], \} if !l:is_notification let l:obj.seq = ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID() endif if len(a:message) > 2 let l:obj.arguments = a:message[2] endif let l:data = json_encode(l:obj) . "\n" return [l:is_notification ? 0 : l:obj.seq, l:data] endfunction " Given a List of one or two items, [method_name] or [method_name, params], " return a List containing [message_id, message_data] function! ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(message) abort if a:message[1] =~# '^ts@' return s:CreateTSServerMessageData(a:message) endif let l:is_notification = a:message[0] let l:obj = { \ 'id': v:null, \ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', \ 'method': a:message[1], \} if !l:is_notification let l:obj.id = ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID() endif if len(a:message) > 2 let l:obj.params = a:message[2] endif let l:body = json_encode(l:obj) let l:data = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(l:body) . "\r\n\r\n" . l:body return [l:is_notification ? 0 : l:obj.id, l:data] endfunction function! ale#lsp#ReadMessageData(data) abort let l:response_list = [] let l:remainder = a:data while 1 " Look for the end of the HTTP headers let l:body_start_index = matchend(l:remainder, "\r\n\r\n") if l:body_start_index < 0 " No header end was found yet. break endif " Parse the Content-Length header. let l:header_data = l:remainder[:l:body_start_index - 4] let l:length_match = matchlist( \ l:header_data, \ '\vContent-Length: *(\d+)' \) if empty(l:length_match) throw "Invalid JSON-RPC header:\n" . l:header_data endif " Split the body and the remainder of the text. let l:remainder_start_index = l:body_start_index + str2nr(l:length_match[1]) if len(l:remainder) < l:remainder_start_index " We don't have enough data yet. break endif let l:body = l:remainder[l:body_start_index : l:remainder_start_index - 1] let l:remainder = l:remainder[l:remainder_start_index :] " Parse the JSON object and add it to the list. call add(l:response_list, json_decode(l:body)) endwhile return [l:remainder, l:response_list] endfunction function! s:FindProjectWithInitRequestID(conn, init_request_id) abort for l:project_root in keys(a:conn.projects) let l:project = a:conn.projects[l:project_root] if l:project.init_request_id == a:init_request_id return l:project endif endfor return {} endfunction function! s:MarkProjectAsInitialized(conn, project) abort let a:project.initialized = 1 " After the server starts, send messages we had queued previously. for l:message_data in a:project.message_queue call s:SendMessageData(a:conn, l:message_data) endfor " Remove the messages now. let a:conn.message_queue = [] endfunction function! s:HandleInitializeResponse(conn, response) abort let l:request_id = a:response.request_id let l:project = s:FindProjectWithInitRequestID(a:conn, l:request_id) if !empty(l:project) call s:MarkProjectAsInitialized(a:conn, l:project) endif endfunction function! ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(conn, response) abort let l:uninitialized_projects = [] for [l:key, l:value] in items(a:conn.projects) if l:value.initialized == 0 call add(l:uninitialized_projects, [l:key, l:value]) endif endfor if empty(l:uninitialized_projects) return endif if get(a:response, 'method', '') is# '' if has_key(get(a:response, 'result', {}), 'capabilities') for [l:dir, l:project] in l:uninitialized_projects call s:MarkProjectAsInitialized(a:conn, l:project) endfor endif elseif get(a:response, 'method', '') is# 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics' let l:filename = ale#path#FromURI(a:response.params.uri) for [l:dir, l:project] in l:uninitialized_projects if l:filename[:len(l:dir) - 1] is# l:dir call s:MarkProjectAsInitialized(a:conn, l:project) endif endfor endif endfunction function! ale#lsp#HandleMessage(conn, message) abort let a:conn.data .= a:message " Parse the objects now if we can, and keep the remaining text. let [a:conn.data, l:response_list] = ale#lsp#ReadMessageData(a:conn.data) " Call our callbacks. for l:response in l:response_list if get(l:response, 'method', '') is# 'initialize' call s:HandleInitializeResponse(a:conn, l:response) else call ale#lsp#HandleOtherInitializeResponses(a:conn, l:response) " Call all of the registered handlers with the response. for l:Callback in a:conn.callback_list call ale#util#GetFunction(l:Callback)(a:conn.id, l:response) endfor endif endfor endfunction function! s:HandleChannelMessage(channel, message) abort let l:info = ch_info(a:channel) let l:address = l:info.hostname . l:info.address let l:conn = s:FindConnection('id', l:address) call ale#lsp#HandleMessage(l:conn, a:message) endfunction function! s:HandleCommandMessage(job_id, message) abort let l:conn = s:FindConnection('id', a:job_id) call ale#lsp#HandleMessage(l:conn, a:message) endfunction function! s:RegisterProject(conn, project_root) abort if !has_key(a:conn.projects, a:project_root) " Tools without project roots are ready right away, like tsserver. let a:conn.projects[a:project_root] = { \ 'initialized': empty(a:project_root), \ 'init_request_id': 0, \ 'message_queue': [], \} endif endfunction " Start a program for LSP servers which run with executables. " " The job ID will be returned for for the program if it ran, otherwise " 0 will be returned. function! ale#lsp#StartProgram(executable, command, project_root, callback) abort if !executable(a:executable) return 0 endif let l:conn = s:FindConnection('executable', a:executable) " Get the current connection or a new one. let l:conn = !empty(l:conn) ? l:conn : s:NewConnection() let l:conn.executable = a:executable if !has_key(l:conn, 'id') || !ale#job#IsRunning(l:conn.id) let l:options = { \ 'mode': 'raw', \ 'out_cb': function('s:HandleCommandMessage'), \} let l:job_id = ale#job#Start(a:command, l:options) else let l:job_id = l:conn.id endif if l:job_id <= 0 return 0 endif let l:conn.id = l:job_id " Add the callback to the List if it's not there already. call uniq(sort(add(l:conn.callback_list, a:callback))) call s:RegisterProject(l:conn, a:project_root) return l:job_id endfunction " Connect to an address and set up a callback for handling responses. function! ale#lsp#ConnectToAddress(address, project_root, callback) abort let l:conn = s:FindConnection('id', a:address) " Get the current connection or a new one. let l:conn = !empty(l:conn) ? l:conn : s:NewConnection() if !has_key(l:conn, 'channel') || ch_status(l:conn.channel) isnot# 'open' let l:conn.channnel = ch_open(a:address, { \ 'mode': 'raw', \ 'waittime': 0, \ 'callback': function('s:HandleChannelMessage'), \}) endif if ch_status(l:conn.channnel) is# 'fail' return 0 endif let l:conn.id = a:address " Add the callback to the List if it's not there already. call uniq(sort(add(l:conn.callback_list, a:callback))) call s:RegisterProject(l:conn, a:project_root) return 1 endfunction function! s:SendMessageData(conn, data) abort if has_key(a:conn, 'executable') call ale#job#SendRaw(a:conn.id, a:data) elseif has_key(a:conn, 'channel') && ch_status(a:conn.channnel) is# 'open' " Send the message to the server call ch_sendraw(a:conn.channel, a:data) else return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " Send a message to an LSP server. " Notifications do not need to be handled. " " Returns -1 when a message is sent, but no response is expected " 0 when the message is not sent and " >= 1 with the message ID when a response is expected. function! ale#lsp#Send(conn_id, message, ...) abort let l:project_root = get(a:000, 0, '') let l:conn = s:FindConnection('id', a:conn_id) if empty(l:conn) return 0 endif let l:project = get(l:conn.projects, l:project_root, {}) if empty(l:project) return 0 endif " If we haven't initialized the server yet, then send the message for it. if !l:project.initialized " Only send the init message once. if !l:project.init_request_id let [l:init_id, l:init_data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData( \ ale#lsp#message#Initialize(l:project_root), \) let l:project.init_request_id = l:init_id call s:SendMessageData(l:conn, l:init_data) endif endif let [l:id, l:data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(a:message) if l:project.initialized " Send the message now. call s:SendMessageData(l:conn, l:data) else " Add the message we wanted to send to a List to send later. call add(l:project.message_queue, l:data) endif return l:id == 0 ? -1 : l:id endfunction function! ale#lsp#OpenDocumentIfNeeded(conn_id, buffer, project_root, language_id) abort let l:conn = s:FindConnection('id', a:conn_id) let l:opened = 0 if !empty(l:conn) && index(l:conn.open_documents, a:buffer) < 0 if empty(a:language_id) let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Open(a:buffer) else let l:message = ale#lsp#message#DidOpen(a:buffer, a:language_id) endif call ale#lsp#Send(a:conn_id, l:message, a:project_root) call add(l:conn.open_documents, a:buffer) let l:opened = 1 endif return l:opened endfunction