Before: call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/fixers') Save g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable Save g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global Save g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options unlet! g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable unlet! g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global unlet! g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options call ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#SetOptionDefaults() After: Restore unlet! b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable unlet! b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global unlet! b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() call ale#semver#ResetVersionCache() Execute(The default command should be correct): AssertEqual \ { \ 'read_temporary_file': 1, \ 'command': \ ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' %t' \ . ' --write' \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), []) Execute(Additional options should be used when set): let b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options = '--foobar' AssertEqual \ { \ 'read_temporary_file': 1, \ 'command': \ ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' %t' \ . ' --foobar --write' \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), []) Execute(--eslint-config-path should be set for 4.2.0 and up): call ale#test#SetFilename('eslint-test-files/react-app/foo/bar.js') AssertEqual \ { \ 'read_temporary_file': 1, \ 'command': \ ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' %t' \ . ' --eslint-config-path ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Winify(g:dir . '/eslint-test-files/react-app/.eslintrc.js')) \ . ' --write' \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), ['4.2.0']) Execute(--eslint-config-path shouldn't be used for older versions): call ale#test#SetFilename('eslint-test-files/react-app/foo/bar.js') AssertEqual \ { \ 'read_temporary_file': 1, \ 'command': \ ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' %t' \ . ' --write' \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), []) Execute(The version check should be correct): AssertEqual \ { \ 'chain_with': 'ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion', \ 'command': ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') . ' --version', \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#Fix(bufnr('')) Execute(The new --stdin-filepath option should be used when the version is new enough): call ale#test#SetFilename('eslint-test-files/react-app/foo/bar.js') AssertEqual \ { \ 'command': 'cd ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p:h')) . ' && ' \ . ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' --eslint-config-path ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Winify(g:dir . '/eslint-test-files/react-app/.eslintrc.js')) \ . ' --stdin-filepath %s --stdin', \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), ['4.4.0']) Execute(The version number should be cached): call ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), ['4.4.0']) " The version command should be skipped. AssertEqual \ { \ 'chain_with': 'ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion', \ 'command': '', \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#Fix(bufnr('')) " The newer command should be used. AssertEqual \ { \ 'command': 'cd ' . ale#Escape(expand('%:p:h')) . ' && ' \ . ale#Escape('prettier-eslint') \ . ' --stdin-filepath %s --stdin', \ }, \ ale#fixers#prettier_eslint#ApplyFixForVersion(bufnr(''), [])