Before: let g:ale_buffer_loclist_map = {} Execute (Count should be 0 when data is empty): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Count(bufnr('%')), [0, 0] Before: let g:ale_buffer_count_map = {'44': [1, 2]} Execute (Count should read data from the cache): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Count(44), [1, 2] Execute (Update the cache with new data): call ale#statusline#Update(44, []) Then (The cache should reflect the new data): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Count(44), [0, 0] Before: let g:ale_buffer_loclist_map = {'1': [{'lnum': 1, 'bufnr': 1, 'vcol': 0, 'linter_name': 'testlinter', 'nr': -1, 'type': 'E', 'col': 1, 'text': 'Test Error'}]} Execute (Count should be match the loclist): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Count(1), [1, 0] Execute (Output should be empty for non-existant buffer): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Count(9001), [0, 0] Before: let g:ale_statusline_format = ['%sE', '%sW', 'OKIE'] Execute (Given some errors): call ale#statusline#Update(bufnr('%'), [{'type': 'E'}, {'type': 'E'}]) Then (Statusline is formatted to the users preference): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Status(), "2E" Execute (Given some warnings): call ale#statusline#Update(bufnr('%'), [{'type': 'W'}, {'type': 'W'}, {'type': 'W'}]) Then (Statusline is formatted to the users preference): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Status(), "3W" Execute (Given some warnings, and errors.): call ale#statusline#Update(bufnr('%'), [{'type': 'E'}, {'type': 'W'}, {'type': 'W'}]) Then (Statusline is formatted to the users preference): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Status(), "1E 2W" Execute (Given a lack of data): call ale#statusline#Update(bufnr('%'), []) Then (Statusline is formatted to the users preference): AssertEqual ale#statusline#Status(), 'OKIE'