=============================================================================== ALE JavaScript Integration *ale-javascript-options* *ale-eslint-nested-configuration-files* For fixing files with ESLint, nested configuration files with `root: false` are not supported. This is because ALE fixes files by writing the contents of buffers to temporary files, and then explicitly sets the configuration file. Configuration files which are set explicitly must be root configuration files. If you are using nested configuration files, you should restructure your project so your configuration files use `extends` instead. See the ESLint documentation here: http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#extending-configuration-files You should change the structure of your project from this: > /path/foo/.eslintrc.js # root: true /path/foo/bar/.eslintrc.js # root: false < To this: > /path/foo/.base-eslintrc.js # Base configuration here /path/foo/.eslintrc.js # extends: ["/path/foo/.base-eslintrc.js"] /path/foo/bar/.eslintrc.js # extends: ["/path/foo/.base-eslintrc.js"] < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eslint *ale-javascript-eslint* g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable *g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable* *b:ale_javascript_eslint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'eslint'` ALE will first discover the eslint path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. This variable can be set to change the path to eslint. If you have eslint_d installed, you can set this option to use eslint_d instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of eslint, set |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_eslint_options *g:ale_javascript_eslint_options* *b:ale_javascript_eslint_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to eslint. g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for eslint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of eslint, in preference to locally installed versions of eslint in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettier *ale-javascript-prettier* g:ale_javascript_prettier_executable *g:ale_javascript_prettier_executable* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'prettier'` ALE will first discover the prettier path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of prettier set |g:ale_javascript_prettier_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_prettier_options *g:ale_javascript_prettier_options* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to prettier. g:ale_javascript_prettier_use_global *g:ale_javascript_prettier_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for prettier first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of Prettier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettier-eslint *ale-javascript-prettier-eslint* g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable *g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'prettier-eslint'` ALE will first discover the prettier-eslint path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of prettier-eslint set |g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options *g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to prettier-eslint. g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_prettier_eslint_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for prettier-eslint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of Prettier-eslint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- flow *ale-javascript-flow* g:ale_javascript_flow_executable *g:ale_javascript_flow_executable* *b:ale_javascript_flow_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'flow'` ALE will first discover the flow path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of flow, set |g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global *g:ale_javascript_flow_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_flow_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for flow first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of flow, in preference to locally installed versions of flow in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jshint *ale-javascript-jshint* g:ale_javascript_jshint_executable *g:ale_javascript_jshint_executable* *b:ale_javascript_jshint_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'jshint'` ALE will first discover the jshint path in an ancestor node_modules directory. If no such path exists, this variable will be used instead. This variable can be changed to change the path to jshint. If you wish to use only a globally installed version of jshint, set |g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global| to `1`. g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global *g:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_jshint_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This variable controls whether or not ALE will search for a local path for jshint first. If this variable is set to `1`, then ALE will always use the global version of jshint, in preference to locally installed versions of jshint in node_modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- standard *ale-javascript-standard* g:ale_javascript_standard_executable *g:ale_javascript_standard_executable* *b:ale_javascript_standard_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'standard'` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable| g:ale_javascript_standard_options *g:ale_javascript_standard_options* *b:ale_javascript_standard_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to standard. g:ale_javascript_standard_use_global *g:ale_javascript_standard_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_standard_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xo *ale-javascript-xo* g:ale_javascript_xo_executable *g:ale_javascript_xo_executable* *b:ale_javascript_xo_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'xo'` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_executable| g:ale_javascript_xo_options *g:ale_javascript_xo_options* *b:ale_javascript_xo_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` This variable can be set to pass additional options to xo. g:ale_javascript_xo_use_global *g:ale_javascript_xo_use_global* *b:ale_javascript_xo_use_global* Type: |Number| Default: `0` Same as the eslint option. See: |g:ale_javascript_eslint_use_global| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: