" Author: Jake Zimmerman " Description: SML checking with SML/NJ Compilation Manager " Let user manually set the CM file (in case our search for a CM file is " ambiguous and picks the wrong one) " " See :help ale-sml-smlnj for more information. call ale#Set('sml_smlnj_cm_file', '*.cm') function! ale_linters#sml#smlnj_cm#GetCommand(buffer) abort let l:cmfile = ale#handlers#sml#GetCmFile(a:buffer) return 'sml -m ' . l:cmfile . ' < /dev/null' endfunction " Using CM requires that we set "lint_file: 1", since it reads the files " from the disk itself. call ale#linter#Define('sml', { \ 'name': 'smlnj-cm', \ 'executable_callback': 'ale#handlers#sml#GetExecutableSmlnjCm', \ 'lint_file': 1, \ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#sml#smlnj_cm#GetCommand', \ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#sml#Handle', \}) " vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4