=============================================================================== ALE Shell Integration *ale-sh-options* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shell *ale-sh-shell* g:ale_sh_shell_default_shell *g:ale_sh_shell_default_shell* *b:ale_sh_shell_default_shell* Type: |String| Default: The current shell (`$SHELL`) or `'bash'` if that cannot be read. When ALE runs the linter for shells with the `-n` flag, it will attempt to read the shell from the shebang (`#!`) line from the shell script to determine the shell program to run. When this detection fails, this variable will be used instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shellcheck *ale-sh-shellcheck* g:ale_sh_shellcheck_executable *g:ale_sh_shellcheck_executable* *b:ale_sh_shellcheck_executable* Type: |String| Default: `'shellcheck'` This variable sets executable used for shellcheck. g:ale_sh_shellcheck_options *g:ale_sh_shellcheck_options* *b:ale_sh_shellcheck_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` With this variable we are able to pass extra arguments for shellcheck for shellcheck invocation. For example, if we want shellcheck to follow external sources (`see SC1091`) we can set the variable as such: > let g:ale_sh_shellcheck_options = '-x' < g:ale_sh_shellcheck_exclusions *g:ale_sh_shellcheck_exclusions* *b:ale_sh_shellcheck_exclusions* Type: |String| Default: `''` Set this variable to exclude test(s) for shellcheck (-e/--exclude option). To exclude more than one option, separate them with commas. For example, to ignore some warnings that aren't applicable to files that will be sourced by other scripts, use the buffer-local variant: > autocmd BufEnter PKGBUILD,.env \ let b:ale_sh_shellcheck_exclusions = 'SC2034,SC2154,SC2164' < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: