  runtime ale_linters/php/phpmd.vim

Execute(The php static analyzer handler should parse errors from phpmd):
  \ [
  \   {
  \     'lnum': 22,
  \     'type': 'W',
  \     'text': "Avoid unused local variables such as '$response'.",
  \   },
  \   {
  \     'lnum': 14,
  \     'type': 'W',
  \     'text': "The method test uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.",
  \   },
  \ ],
  \ ale_linters#php#phpmd#Handle(347, [
  \ "example.php:22     Avoid unused local variables such as '$response'.",
  \ "example.php:14    The method test uses an else expression. Else is never necessary and you can simplify the code to work without else.",
  \ ])

  call ale#linter#Reset()