scriptencoding utf8 " Author: w0rp " Description: Draws error and warning signs into signcolumn if !hlexists('ALEErrorSign') highlight link ALEErrorSign error endif if !hlexists('ALEStyleErrorSign') highlight link ALEStyleErrorSign ALEErrorSign endif if !hlexists('ALEWarningSign') highlight link ALEWarningSign todo endif if !hlexists('ALEStyleWarningSign') highlight link ALEStyleWarningSign ALEWarningSign endif if !hlexists('ALEInfoSign') highlight link ALEInfoSign ALEWarningSign endif if !hlexists('ALESignColumnWithErrors') highlight link ALESignColumnWithErrors error endif if !hlexists('ALESignColumnWithoutErrors') function! s:SetSignColumnWithoutErrorsHighlight() abort redir => l:output silent highlight SignColumn redir end let l:highlight_syntax = join(split(l:output)[2:]) let l:match = matchlist(l:highlight_syntax, '\vlinks to (.+)$') if !empty(l:match) execute 'highlight link ALESignColumnWithoutErrors ' . l:match[1] elseif l:highlight_syntax isnot# 'cleared' execute 'highlight ALESignColumnWithoutErrors ' . l:highlight_syntax endif endfunction call s:SetSignColumnWithoutErrorsHighlight() delfunction s:SetSignColumnWithoutErrorsHighlight endif " Signs show up on the left for error markers. execute 'sign define ALEErrorSign text=' . g:ale_sign_error \ . ' texthl=ALEErrorSign linehl=ALEErrorLine' execute 'sign define ALEStyleErrorSign text=' . g:ale_sign_style_error \ . ' texthl=ALEStyleErrorSign linehl=ALEErrorLine' execute 'sign define ALEWarningSign text=' . g:ale_sign_warning \ . ' texthl=ALEWarningSign linehl=ALEWarningLine' execute 'sign define ALEStyleWarningSign text=' . g:ale_sign_style_warning \ . ' texthl=ALEStyleWarningSign linehl=ALEWarningLine' execute 'sign define ALEInfoSign text=' . g:ale_sign_info \ . ' texthl=ALEInfoSign linehl=ALEInfoLine' sign define ALEDummySign let s:error_priority = 1 let s:warning_priority = 2 let s:info_priority = 3 let s:style_error_priority = 4 let s:style_warning_priority = 5 function! ale#sign#GetSignName(sublist) abort let l:priority = s:style_warning_priority " Determine the highest priority item for the line. for l:item in a:sublist if l:item.type is# 'I' let l:item_priority = s:info_priority elseif l:item.type is# 'W' if get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style' let l:item_priority = s:style_warning_priority else let l:item_priority = s:warning_priority endif else if get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style' let l:item_priority = s:style_error_priority else let l:item_priority = s:error_priority endif endif if l:item_priority < l:priority let l:priority = l:item_priority endif endfor if l:priority is# s:error_priority return 'ALEErrorSign' endif if l:priority is# s:warning_priority return 'ALEWarningSign' endif if l:priority is# s:style_error_priority return 'ALEStyleErrorSign' endif if l:priority is# s:style_warning_priority return 'ALEStyleWarningSign' endif if l:priority is# s:info_priority return 'ALEInfoSign' endif " Use the error sign for invalid severities. return 'ALEErrorSign' endfunction " Read sign data for a buffer to a list of lines. function! ale#sign#ReadSigns(buffer) abort redir => l:output silent execute 'sign place buffer=' . a:buffer redir end return split(l:output, "\n") endfunction " Given a list of lines for sign output, return a List of [line, id, group] function! ale#sign#ParseSigns(line_list) abort " Matches output like : " line=4 id=1 name=ALEErrorSign " строка=1 id=1000001 имя=ALEErrorSign " 行=1 識別子=1000001 名前=ALEWarningSign " línea=12 id=1000001 nombre=ALEWarningSign " riga=1 id=1000001, nome=ALEWarningSign let l:pattern = '\v^.*\=(\d+).*\=(\d+).*\=(ALE[a-zA-Z]+Sign)' let l:result = [] let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 0 for l:line in a:line_list let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern) if len(l:match) > 0 if l:match[3] is# 'ALEDummySign' let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 1 else call add(l:result, [ \ str2nr(l:match[1]), \ str2nr(l:match[2]), \ l:match[3], \]) endif endif endfor return [l:is_dummy_sign_set, l:result] endfunction function! ale#sign#FindCurrentSigns(buffer) abort let l:line_list = ale#sign#ReadSigns(a:buffer) return ale#sign#ParseSigns(l:line_list) endfunction " Given a loclist, group the List into with one List per line. function! s:GroupLoclistItems(buffer, loclist) abort let l:grouped_items = [] let l:last_lnum = -1 for l:obj in a:loclist if l:obj.bufnr != a:buffer continue endif " Create a new sub-List when we hit a new line. if l:obj.lnum != l:last_lnum call add(l:grouped_items, []) endif call add(l:grouped_items[-1], l:obj) let l:last_lnum = l:obj.lnum endfor return l:grouped_items endfunction function! s:UpdateLineNumbers(buffer, current_sign_list, loclist) abort let l:line_map = {} let l:line_numbers_changed = 0 for [l:line, l:sign_id, l:name] in a:current_sign_list let l:line_map[l:sign_id] = l:line endfor for l:item in a:loclist if l:item.bufnr == a:buffer let l:lnum = get(l:line_map, get(l:item, 'sign_id', 0), 0) if l:lnum && l:item.lnum != l:lnum let l:item.lnum = l:lnum let l:line_numbers_changed = 1 endif endif endfor " When the line numbers change, sort the list again if l:line_numbers_changed call sort(a:loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare') endif endfunction function! s:BuildSignMap(current_sign_list, grouped_items) abort let l:sign_map = {} let l:sign_offset = g:ale_sign_offset for [l:line, l:sign_id, l:name] in a:current_sign_list let l:sign_info = get(l:sign_map, l:line, { \ 'current_id_list': [], \ 'current_name_list': [], \ 'new_id': 0, \ 'new_name': '', \ 'items': [], \}) " Increment the sign offset for new signs, by the maximum sign ID. if l:sign_id > l:sign_offset let l:sign_offset = l:sign_id endif " Remember the sign names and IDs in separate Lists, so they are easy " to work with. call add(l:sign_info.current_id_list, l:sign_id) call add(l:sign_info.current_name_list, l:name) let l:sign_map[l:line] = l:sign_info endfor for l:group in a:grouped_items let l:line = l:group[0].lnum let l:sign_info = get(l:sign_map, l:line, { \ 'current_id_list': [], \ 'current_name_list': [], \ 'new_id': 0, \ 'new_name': '', \ 'items': [], \}) let l:sign_info.new_name = ale#sign#GetSignName(l:group) let l:sign_info.items = l:group let l:index = index( \ l:sign_info.current_name_list, \ l:sign_info.new_name \) if l:index >= 0 " We have a sign with this name already, so use the same ID. let l:sign_info.new_id = l:sign_info.current_id_list[l:index] else " This sign name replaces the previous name, so use a new ID. let l:sign_info.new_id = l:sign_offset + 1 let l:sign_offset += 1 endif let l:sign_map[l:line] = l:sign_info endfor return l:sign_map endfunction function! ale#sign#GetSignCommands(buffer, was_sign_set, sign_map) abort let l:command_list = [] let l:is_dummy_sign_set = a:was_sign_set " Set the dummy sign if we need to. " The dummy sign is needed to keep the sign column open while we add " and remove signs. if !l:is_dummy_sign_set && (!empty(a:sign_map) || g:ale_sign_column_always) call add(l:command_list, 'sign place ' \ . g:ale_sign_offset \ . ' line=1 name=ALEDummySign buffer=' \ . a:buffer \) let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 1 endif " Place new items first. for [l:line_str, l:info] in items(a:sign_map) if l:info.new_id " Save the sign IDs we are setting back on our loclist objects. " These IDs will be used to preserve items which are set many times. for l:item in l:info.items let l:item.sign_id = l:info.new_id endfor if index(l:info.current_id_list, l:info.new_id) < 0 call add(l:command_list, 'sign place ' \ . (l:info.new_id) \ . ' line=' . l:line_str \ . ' name=' . (l:info.new_name) \ . ' buffer=' . a:buffer \) endif endif endfor " Remove signs without new IDs. for l:info in values(a:sign_map) for l:current_id in l:info.current_id_list if l:current_id isnot l:info.new_id call add(l:command_list, 'sign unplace ' \ . l:current_id \ . ' buffer=' . a:buffer \) endif endfor endfor " Remove the dummy sign to close the sign column if we need to. if l:is_dummy_sign_set && !g:ale_sign_column_always call add(l:command_list, 'sign unplace ' \ . g:ale_sign_offset \ . ' buffer=' . a:buffer \) endif return l:command_list endfunction " This function will set the signs which show up on the left. function! ale#sign#SetSigns(buffer, loclist) abort if !bufexists(str2nr(a:buffer)) " Stop immediately when attempting to set signs for a buffer which " does not exist. return endif " Find the current markers let [l:is_dummy_sign_set, l:current_sign_list] = \ ale#sign#FindCurrentSigns(a:buffer) " Update the line numbers for items from before which may have moved. call s:UpdateLineNumbers(a:buffer, l:current_sign_list, a:loclist) " Group items after updating the line numbers. let l:grouped_items = s:GroupLoclistItems(a:buffer, a:loclist) " Build a map of current and new signs, with the lines as the keys. let l:sign_map = s:BuildSignMap(l:current_sign_list, l:grouped_items) let l:command_list = ale#sign#GetSignCommands( \ a:buffer, \ l:is_dummy_sign_set, \ l:sign_map, \) " Change the sign column color if the option is on. if g:ale_change_sign_column_color && !empty(a:loclist) highlight clear SignColumn highlight link SignColumn ALESignColumnWithErrors endif for l:command in l:command_list silent! execute l:command endfor " Reset the sign column color when there are no more errors. if g:ale_change_sign_column_color && empty(a:loclist) highlight clear SignColumn highlight link SignColumn ALESignColumnWithoutErrors endif endfunction