=============================================================================== ALE Kotlin Integration *ale-kotlin-options* *ale-integration-kotlin* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integration Information Make sure your setup has support for the kotlin file type. A filetype plugin can be found here: https://github.com/udalov/kotlin-vim Note: Make sure you have a working kotlin compiler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kotlinc *ale-kotlin-kotlinc* g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_options *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_options* Type: |String| Default: `''` Additional options to pass to the kotlin compiler g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_enable_config *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_enable_config* Type: |Number| Default: `0` Setting this variable to `1` tells the linter to load a configuration file. This should be set in your vimrc g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_config_file *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_config_file* Type: |String| Default: `'.ale_kotlin_kotlinc_config'` Filename of the configuration file. This should be set in your vimrc g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_classpath *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_classpath* Type: |String| Default: `''` A string containing the paths (separated by the appropriate path separator) of the source directories. g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_sourcepath *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_sourcepath* Type: |String| Default: `''` A string containing the paths (separated by space) of the source directories. g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_use_module_file *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_use_module_file* Type: |Number| Default: `0` This option indicates whether the linter should use a module file. It is off by default. g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_module_filename *g:ale_kotlin_kotlinc_module_filename* Type: |String| Default: `'module.xml'` The filename of the module file that the linter should pass to the kotlin compiler. vim:tw=78:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2:ft=help:norl: