Before: call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test') After: noautocmd :e! ++ff=unix setlocal buftype=nofile if filereadable('.newline-test') call delete('.newline-test') endif call ale#test#RestoreDirectory() Given(A file with Windows line ending characters): first second third Execute(Carriage returns should be included for ale#util#Writefile): call ale#test#SetFilename('.newline-test') setlocal buftype= noautocmd :w noautocmd :e! ++ff=dos call ale#util#Writefile(bufnr(''), getline(1, '$'), '.newline-test') AssertEqual \ ["first\r", "second\r", "third\r", ''], \ readfile('.newline-test', 'b') \ Given(A file with Unix line ending characters): first second third Execute(Unix file lines should be written as normal): call ale#test#SetFilename('.newline-test') setlocal buftype= noautocmd :w noautocmd :e! ++ff=unix call ale#util#Writefile(bufnr(''), getline(1, '$'), '.newline-test') AssertEqual \ ['first', 'second', 'third', ''], \ readfile('.newline-test', 'b')