#1049 Do not modify runtimepath if the conflict warnings are disabled
This commit is contained in:
@ -624,6 +624,11 @@ g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings *g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings*
When set to `0`, ALE will not emit any warnings on startup about conflicting
plugins. ALE will probably not work if other linting plugins are installed.
When this option is set to `1`, ALE will add its `after` directory to
|runtimepath| automatically, so the checks can be applied. Setting this
option to `0` before ALE is loaded will prevent ALE from modifying
g:ale_enabled *g:ale_enabled*
@ -32,8 +32,13 @@ if !s:has_features
" Add the after directory to the runtimepath
let &runtimepath .= ',' . expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/after'
" This flag can be set to 0 to disable emitting conflict warnings.
let g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings = get(g:, 'ale_emit_conflict_warnings', 1)
if g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings
" Add the after directory to the runtimepath
let &runtimepath .= ',' . expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/after'
" Set this flag so that other plugins can use it, like airline.
let g:loaded_ale = 1
@ -44,9 +49,6 @@ if has('unix') && empty($TMPDIR)
let $TMPDIR = '/tmp'
" This flag can be set to 0 to disable emitting conflict warnings.
let g:ale_emit_conflict_warnings = get(g:, 'ale_emit_conflict_warnings', 1)
" This global variable is used internally by ALE for tracking information for
" each buffer which linters are being run against.
let g:ale_buffer_info = {}
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