Merge branch 'tsserver'

This commit is contained in:
w0rp 2017-06-13 17:54:07 +01:00
commit ebbfb64221
9 changed files with 288 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: tsserver integration for ALE
call ale#Set('typescript_tsserver_executable', 'tsserver')
call ale#Set('typescript_tsserver_config_path', '')
call ale#Set('typescript_tsserver_use_global', 0)
function! ale_linters#typescript#tsserver#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
return ale#node#FindExecutable(a:buffer, 'typescript_tsserver', [
\ 'node_modules/.bin/tsserver',
function! ale_linters#typescript#tsserver#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
return a:lines
call ale#linter#Define('typescript', {
\ 'name': 'tsserver',
\ 'lsp': 'tsserver',
\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#typescript#tsserver#GetExecutable',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#typescript#tsserver#Handle',

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ function! ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(buffer) abort
\ 'temporary_file_list': [],
\ 'temporary_directory_list': [],
\ 'history': [],
\ 'open_lsp_documents': [],
@ -103,6 +104,51 @@ function! s:GatherOutput(job_id, line) abort
function! s:HandleLoclist(linter_name, buffer, loclist) abort
" Make some adjustments to the loclists to fix common problems, and also
" to set default values for loclist items.
let l:linter_loclist = ale#engine#FixLocList(a:buffer, a:linter_name, a:loclist)
" Remove previous items for this linter.
call filter(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist, 'v:val.linter_name !=# a:linter_name')
" Add the new items.
call extend(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist, l:linter_loclist)
" Sort the loclist again.
" We need a sorted list so we can run a binary search against it
" for efficient lookup of the messages in the cursor handler.
call sort(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare')
let l:linting_is_done = empty(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].job_list)
\ && !get(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer], 'waiting_for_tsserver', 0)
if l:linting_is_done
" Automatically remove all managed temporary files and directories
" now that all jobs have completed.
call ale#engine#RemoveManagedFiles(a:buffer)
" Figure out which linters are still enabled, and remove
" problems for linters which are no longer enabled.
let l:name_map = {}
for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype'))
let l:name_map[] = 1
call filter(
\ g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist,
\ 'get(l:name_map, v:val.linter_name)',
call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist)
if l:linting_is_done
" Call user autocommands. This allows users to hook into ALE's lint cycle.
silent doautocmd User ALELint
function! s:HandleExit(job_id, exit_code) abort
if !has_key(s:job_info_map, a:job_id)
@ -143,55 +189,39 @@ function! s:HandleExit(job_id, exit_code) abort
call ale#history#RememberOutput(l:buffer, a:job_id, l:output[:])
let l:linter_loclist = ale#util#GetFunction(l:linter.callback)(l:buffer, l:output)
let l:loclist = ale#util#GetFunction(l:linter.callback)(l:buffer, l:output)
" Make some adjustments to the loclists to fix common problems, and also
" to set default values for loclist items.
let l:linter_loclist = ale#engine#FixLocList(l:buffer, l:linter, l:linter_loclist)
call s:HandleLoclist(, l:buffer, l:loclist)
" Remove previous items for this linter.
call filter(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist, 'v:val.linter_name !=#')
" Add the new items.
call extend(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist, l:linter_loclist)
function! s:HandleLSPResponse(response) abort
let l:is_diag_response = get(a:response, 'type', '') ==# 'event'
\ && get(a:response, 'event', '') ==# 'semanticDiag'
" Sort the loclist again.
" We need a sorted list so we can run a binary search against it
" for efficient lookup of the messages in the cursor handler.
call sort(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare')
let l:linting_is_done = empty(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].job_list)
if l:linting_is_done
" Automatically remove all managed temporary files and directories
" now that all jobs have completed.
call ale#engine#RemoveManagedFiles(l:buffer)
" Figure out which linters are still enabled, and remove
" problems for linters which are no longer enabled.
let l:name_map = {}
for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(getbufvar(l:buffer, '&filetype'))
let l:name_map[] = 1
call filter(
\ g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist,
\ 'get(l:name_map, v:val.linter_name)',
if !l:is_diag_response
call ale#engine#SetResults(l:buffer, g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].loclist)
let l:buffer = bufnr(a:response.body.file)
if l:linting_is_done
" Call user autocommands. This allows users to hook into ALE's lint cycle.
silent doautocmd User ALELint
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, l:buffer, {})
if empty(l:info)
let l:info.waiting_for_tsserver = 0
let l:loclist = ale#lsp#response#ReadTSServerDiagnostics(a:response)
call s:HandleLoclist('tsserver', l:buffer, l:loclist)
function! ale#engine#SetResults(buffer, loclist) abort
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
let l:job_list = get(l:info, 'job_list', [])
let l:linting_is_done = empty(l:job_list)
let l:waiting_for_tsserver = get(l:info, 'waiting_for_tsserver', 0)
let l:linting_is_done = empty(l:job_list) && !l:waiting_for_tsserver
" Set signs first. This could potentially fix some line numbers.
" The List could be sorted again here by SetSigns.
@ -227,7 +257,7 @@ function! ale#engine#SetResults(buffer, loclist) abort
function! ale#engine#FixLocList(buffer, linter, loclist) abort
function! ale#engine#FixLocList(buffer, linter_name, loclist) abort
let l:new_loclist = []
" Some errors have line numbers beyond the end of the file,
@ -256,7 +286,7 @@ function! ale#engine#FixLocList(buffer, linter, loclist) abort
\ 'vcol': get(l:old_item, 'vcol', 0),
\ 'type': get(l:old_item, 'type', 'E'),
\ 'nr': get(l:old_item, 'nr', -1),
\ 'linter_name':,
\ 'linter_name': a:linter_name,
if has_key(l:old_item, 'detail')
@ -498,17 +528,56 @@ function! ale#engine#StopCurrentJobs(buffer, include_lint_file_jobs) abort
" Update the List, so it includes only the jobs we still need.
let l:info.job_list = l:new_job_list
" Ignore current LSP commands.
" We should consider cancelling them in future.
let l:info.lsp_command_list = []
function! s:CheckWithTSServer(buffer, linter, executable) abort
let l:info = g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer]
let l:open_documents = l:info.open_lsp_documents
let l:is_open = index(l:open_documents, >= 0
call ale#lsp#StartProgram(a:executable, a:executable, function('s:HandleLSPResponse'))
if !l:is_open
call add(l:open_documents,
call ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(
\ a:executable,
\ ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Open(a:buffer),
call ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(
\ a:executable,
\ ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Change(a:buffer),
let l:request_id = ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(
\ a:executable,
\ ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Geterr(a:buffer),
if l:request_id != 0
let l:info.waiting_for_tsserver = 1
function! ale#engine#Invoke(buffer, linter) abort
if empty(a:linter.lsp) || a:linter.lsp ==# 'tsserver'
let l:executable = has_key(a:linter, 'executable_callback')
\ ? ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.executable_callback)(a:buffer)
\ : a:linter.executable
" Run this program if it can be executed.
if s:IsExecutable(l:executable)
if a:linter.lsp ==# 'tsserver'
call s:CheckWithTSServer(a:buffer, a:linter, l:executable)
call s:InvokeChain(a:buffer, a:linter, 0, [])
" Given a buffer number, return the warnings and errors for a given buffer.

View File

@ -8,13 +8,11 @@ let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id = 1
function! s:NewConnection() abort
" data: The message data received so far.
" callback_map: A mapping from connections to response callbacks.
" address: An address only set for server connections.
" executable: An executable only set for program connections.
" job: A job ID only set for running programs.
let l:conn = {
\ 'data': '',
\ 'callback_map': {},
\ 'address': '',
\ 'executable': '',
\ 'job_id': -1,
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ function! s:CreateTSServerMessageData(message) abort
let l:obj.arguments = a:message[2]
let l:data = json_encode(l:obj)
let l:data = json_encode(l:obj) . "\n"
return [l:is_notification ? 0 : l:obj.seq, l:data]
@ -143,12 +141,9 @@ function! ale#lsp#HandleMessage(conn, message) abort
" Call our callbacks.
for l:response in l:response_list
let l:id = has_key(l:response, 'seq')
\ ? l:response.seq
\ :
let l:callback = a:conn.callback_map.pop(l:id)
call ale#util#GetFunction(l:callback)(l:response)
if has_key(a:conn, 'callback')
call ale#util#GetFunction(a:conn.callback)(l:response)
@ -166,32 +161,18 @@ function! s:HandleCommandMessage(job_id, message) abort
call ale#lsp#HandleMessage(l:conn, a:message)
" Send a message to a server with a given executable, and a command for
" running the executable.
" A callback can be registered to handle the response.
" Notifications do not need to be handled.
" (executable, command, message, callback?)
" Returns 1 when a message is sent, 0 otherwise.
function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(executable, command, message, ...) abort
if a:0 > 1
throw 'Too many arguments!'
if !a:message[0] && a:0 == 0
throw 'A callback must be set for messages which are not notifications!'
" Start a program for LSP servers which run with executables.
function! ale#lsp#StartProgram(executable, command, callback) abort
if !executable(a:executable)
return 0
let [l:id, l:data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(a:message)
let l:matches = filter(s:connections[:], 'v:val.executable ==# a:executable')
" Get the current connection or a new one.
let l:conn = !empty(l:matches) ? l:matches[0] : s:NewConnection()
let l:conn.executable = a:executable
let l:conn.callback = a:callback
if !ale#job#IsRunning(l:conn.job_id)
let l:options = {
@ -199,43 +180,50 @@ function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(executable, command, message, ...) abort
\ 'out_cb': function('s:HandleCommandMessage'),
let l:job_id = ale#job#Start(ale#job#PrepareCommand(a:command), l:options)
let l:job_id = l:conn.job_id
if l:job_id <= 0
return 0
" The ID is 0 when the message is a Notification, which is a JSON-RPC
" request for which the server must not return a response.
if l:id != 0
" Add the callback, which the server will respond to later.
let l:conn.callback_map[l:id] = a:1
call ale#job#SendRaw(l:job_id, l:data)
let l:conn.job_id = l:job_id
return 1
" Send a message to a server at a given address.
" A callback can be registered to handle the response.
" Notifications do not need to be handled.
" (address, message, callback?)
" Send a message to a server with a given executable, and a command for
" running the executable.
" Returns 1 when a message is sent, 0 otherwise.
function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToAddress(address, message, ...) abort
if a:0 > 1
throw 'Too many arguments!'
if !a:message[0] && a:0 == 0
throw 'A callback must be set for messages which are not notifications!'
" Returns -1 when a message is sent, but no response is expected
" 0 when the message is not sent and
" >= 1 with the message ID when a response is expected.
function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToProgram(executable, message) abort
let [l:id, l:data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(a:message)
let l:matches = filter(s:connections[:], 'v:val.executable ==# a:executable')
" No connection is currently open.
if empty(l:matches)
return 0
" Get the current connection or a new one.
let l:conn = l:matches[0]
let l:conn.executable = a:executable
if get(l:conn, 'job_id', 0) == 0
return 0
call ale#job#SendRaw(l:conn.job_id, l:data)
return l:id == 0 ? -1 : l:id
" Connect to an address and set up a callback for handling responses.
function! ale#lsp#ConnectToAddress(address, callback) abort
let l:matches = filter(s:connections[:], 'v:val.address ==# a:address')
" Get the current connection or a new one.
let l:conn = !empty(l:matches) ? l:matches[0] : s:NewConnection()
@ -248,17 +236,47 @@ function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToAddress(address, message, ...) abort
" The ID is 0 when the message is a Notification, which is a JSON-RPC
" request for which the server must not return a response.
if l:id != 0
" Add the callback, which the server will respond to later.
let l:conn.callback_map[l:id] = a:1
if ch_status(l:conn.channnel) ==# 'fail'
return 0
if ch_status(l:conn.channnel) ==# 'fail'
let l:conn.callback = a:callback
return 1
" Send a message to a server at a given address.
" Notifications do not need to be handled.
" Returns -1 when a message is sent, but no response is expected
" 0 when the message is not sent and
" >= 1 with the message ID when a response is expected.
function! ale#lsp#SendMessageToAddress(address, message) abort
if a:0 > 1
throw 'Too many arguments!'
if !a:message[0] && a:0 == 0
throw 'A callback must be set for messages which are not notifications!'
let [l:id, l:data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(a:message)
let l:matches = filter(s:connections[:], 'v:val.address ==# a:address')
" No connection is currently open.
if empty(l:matches)
return 0
let l:conn = l:matches[0]
if ch_status(l:conn.channnel) !=# 'open'
return 0
" Send the message to the server
call ch_sendraw(, l:data)
return l:id == 0 ? -1 : l:id

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function! ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics(params) abort
for l:diagnostic in a:params.diagnostics
let l:severity = get(l:diagnostic, 'severity', 0)
let l:loclist_item = {
\ 'message': l:diagnostic.message,
\ 'text': l:diagnostic.message,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'lnum': l:diagnostic.range.start.line + 1,
\ 'col': l:diagnostic.range.start.character + 1,
@ -42,3 +42,26 @@ function! ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics(params) abort
return [l:filename, l:loclist]
function! ale#lsp#response#ReadTSServerDiagnostics(response) abort
let l:loclist = []
for l:diagnostic in a:response.body.diagnostics
let l:loclist_item = {
\ 'text': l:diagnostic.text,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'lnum': l:diagnostic.start.line,
\ 'col': l:diagnostic.start.offset,
\ 'end_lnum': l:diagnostic.end.line,
\ 'end_col': l:diagnostic.end.offset,
if has_key(l:diagnostic, 'code')
let = l:diagnostic.code
call add(l:loclist, l:loclist_item)
return l:loclist

View File

@ -19,12 +19,15 @@ endfunction
function! ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Change(buffer) abort
let l:lines = getbufline(a:buffer, 1, '$')
" We will always use a very high endLine number, so we can delete
" lines from files. tsserver will gladly accept line numbers beyond the
" end.
return [1, 'ts@change', {
\ 'file': expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p'),
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'offset': 1,
\ 'endLine': len(l:lines),
\ 'endOffset': len(l:lines[-1]),
\ 'endLine': 1073741824 ,
\ 'endOffset': 1,
\ 'insertString': join(l:lines, "\n"),

View File

@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Change() should return correct messages):
\ 'file': b:dir . '/foo.ts',
\ 'line': 1,
\ 'offset': 1,
\ 'endLine': 3,
\ 'endOffset': 5,
\ 'endLine': 1073741824,
\ 'endOffset': 1,
\ 'insertString': "foo()\nbar()\nbaz()",
\ }
\ ],

View File

@ -110,55 +110,63 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#CreateMessageData() should create tsserver notification messages
\ [
\ 0,
\ '{"seq": null, "type": "request", "command": "someNotification"}',
\ '{"seq": null, "type": "request", "command": "someNotification"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([1, 'ts@someNotification'])
\ [
\ 0,
\ '{"seq": null, "arguments": {"foo": "bar"}, "type": "request", "command": "someNotification"}',
\ '{"seq": null, "arguments": {"foo": "bar"}, "type": "request", "command": "someNotification"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([1, 'ts@someNotification', {'foo': 'bar'}])
\ [
\ 0,
\ '{"seq":null,"type":"request","command":"someNotification"}',
\ '{"seq":null,"type":"request","command":"someNotification"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([1, 'ts@someNotification'])
\ [
\ 0,
\ '{"seq":null,"arguments":{"foo":"bar"},"type":"request","command":"someNotification"}',
\ '{"seq":null,"arguments":{"foo":"bar"},"type":"request","command":"someNotification"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([1, 'ts@someNotification', {'foo': 'bar'}])
Execute(ale#lsp#CreateMessageData() should create tsserver messages excepting responses):
Execute(ale#lsp#CreateMessageData() should create tsserver messages expecting responses):
if has('nvim')
\ [
\ 1,
\ '{"seq": 1, "type": "request", "command": "someMessage"}',
\ '{"seq": 1, "type": "request", "command": "someMessage"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([0, 'ts@someMessage'])
\ [
\ 2,
\ '{"seq": 2, "arguments": {"foo": "bar"}, "type": "request", "command": "someMessage"}',
\ '{"seq": 2, "arguments": {"foo": "bar"}, "type": "request", "command": "someMessage"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([0, 'ts@someMessage', {'foo': 'bar'}])
\ [
\ 1,
\ '{"seq":1,"type":"request","command":"someMessage"}',
\ '{"seq":1,"type":"request","command":"someMessage"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([0, 'ts@someMessage'])
\ [
\ 2,
\ '{"seq":2,"arguments":{"foo":"bar"},"type":"request","command":"someMessage"}',
\ '{"seq":2,"arguments":{"foo":"bar"},"type":"request","command":"someMessage"}'
\ . "\n",
\ ],
\ ale#lsp#CreateMessageData([0, 'ts@someMessage', {'foo': 'bar'}])

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle errors):
AssertEqual ['filename.ts', [
\ {
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'message': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'text': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'lnum': 3,
\ 'col': 11,
\ 'end_lnum': 5,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle warnings):
AssertEqual ['filename.ts', [
\ {
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'message': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'text': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 4,
\ 'end_lnum': 2,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should treat messages with missing se
AssertEqual ['filename.ts', [
\ {
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'message': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'text': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'lnum': 3,
\ 'col': 11,
\ 'end_lnum': 5,
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle messages without codes)
AssertEqual ['filename.ts', [
\ {
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'message': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'text': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'lnum': 3,
\ 'col': 11,
\ 'end_lnum': 5,
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle multiple messages):
AssertEqual ['filename.ts', [
\ {
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'message': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'text': 'Something went wrong!',
\ 'lnum': 1,
\ 'col': 3,
\ 'end_lnum': 1,
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle multiple messages):
\ },
\ {
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'message': 'A warning',
\ 'text': 'A warning',
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 5,
\ 'end_lnum': 2,
@ -119,3 +119,17 @@ Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics() should handle multiple messages):
\ 'message': 'A warning',
\ },
\ ]})
Execute(ale#lsp#response#ReadTSServerDiagnostics() should handle tsserver responses):
AssertEqual [
\ {
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'nr': 2365,
\ 'text': 'Operator ''''+'''' cannot be applied to types ''''3'''' and ''''{}''''.',
\ 'lnum': 1,
\ 'col': 11,
\ 'end_lnum': 1,
\ 'end_col': 17,
\ },
\ ale#lsp#response#ReadTSServerDiagnostics({"seq":0,"type":"event","event":"semanticDiag","body":{"file":"/bar/foo.ts","diagnostics":[{"start":{"line":1,"offset":11},"end":{"line":1,"offset":17},"text":"Operator ''+'' cannot be applied to types ''3'' and ''{}''.","code":2365}]}})

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should set all the default values correctly):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{'text': 'a', 'lnum': 2}, {'text': 'b', 'lnum': 2}],
\ )
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should use the values we supply):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{
\ 'text': 'a',
\ 'lnum': 3,
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should set items with lines beyond the end to the last line):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{'text': 'a', 'lnum': 11}],
\ )
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should move line 0 to line 1):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{'text': 'a', 'lnum': 0}],
\ )
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should convert line and column numbers correctly):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{'text': 'a', 'lnum': '010', 'col': '010'}],
\ )
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should pass on end_col values):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [
\ {'text': 'a', 'lnum': '010', 'col': '010', 'end_col': '012'},
\ {'text': 'a', 'lnum': '010', 'col': '011', 'end_col': 12},
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Execute(FixLocList should pass on end_lnum values):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [
\ {'text': 'a', 'lnum': '010', 'col': '010', 'end_col': '012', 'end_lnum': '013'},
\ {'text': 'a', 'lnum': '010', 'col': '011', 'end_col': 12, 'end_lnum': 13},
@ -220,6 +220,6 @@ Execute(FixLocList should allow subtypes to be set):
\ ale#engine#FixLocList(
\ bufnr('%'),
\ {'name': 'foobar'},
\ 'foobar',
\ [{'text': 'a', 'lnum': 11, 'sub_type': 'style'}],
\ )