Add a fuzzy JSON decoding function for ignoring json_decode errors for linters

This commit is contained in:
w0rp 2017-07-27 00:06:15 +01:00
parent ded1bc14df
commit db4d68eae7
2 changed files with 41 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -167,3 +167,23 @@ endfunction
function! ale#util#EscapePCRE(unsafe_string) abort function! ale#util#EscapePCRE(unsafe_string) abort
return substitute(a:unsafe_string, '\([\-\[\]{}()*+?.^$|]\)', '\\\1', 'g') return substitute(a:unsafe_string, '\([\-\[\]{}()*+?.^$|]\)', '\\\1', 'g')
endfunction endfunction
" Given a String or a List of String values, try and decode the string(s)
" as a JSON value which can be decoded with json_decode. If the JSON string
" is invalid, the default argument value will be returned instead.
" This function is useful in code where the data can't be trusted to be valid
" JSON, and where throwing exceptions is mostly just irritating.
function! ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(data, default) abort
if empty(a:data)
return a:default
let l:str = type(a:data) == type('') ? a:data : join(a:data, '')
return json_decode(l:str)
catch /E474/
return a:default

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Execute(FuzzyJSONDecode should return the default for empty Lists):
AssertEqual [], ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode([], [])
AssertEqual {}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode([], {})
Execute(FuzzyJSONDecode should return the default for empty Strings):
AssertEqual [], ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('', [])
AssertEqual {}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('', {})
Execute(FuzzyJSONDecode should return the default for Lists with invalid JSON):
AssertEqual [], ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(['x'], [])
AssertEqual {}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(['x'], {})
Execute(FuzzyJSONDecode should return the default for Strings with invalid JSON):
AssertEqual [], ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('x', [])
AssertEqual {}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('x', {})
Execute(FuzzyJSONDecode should return the JSON from the JSON string):
AssertEqual {'x': 3}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('{"x": 3}', [])
AssertEqual {'x': 3}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode('{"x": 3}', {})
AssertEqual {'x': 3}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(['{"x"', ': 3}'], [])
AssertEqual {'x': 3}, ale#util#FuzzyJSONDecode(['{"x"', ': 3}'], {})