Merge pull request #892 from jparise/thrift

Add a linter for Apache Thrift IDL files
This commit is contained in:
w0rp 2017-08-30 19:46:17 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit b8f5a4923c
6 changed files with 265 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ formatting.
| Tcl | [nagelfar]( !! |
| Texinfo | [proselint](|
| Text^ | [proselint](, [vale]( |
| Thrift | [thrift]( |
| TypeScript | [eslint](, [tslint](, tsserver, typecheck |
| Verilog | [iverilog](, [verilator]( |
| Vim | [vint]( |

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
" Author: Jon Parise <>
call ale#Set('thrift_thrift_executable', 'thrift')
call ale#Set('thrift_thrift_generators', ['cpp'])
call ale#Set('thrift_thrift_includes', [])
call ale#Set('thrift_thrift_options', '-strict')
function! ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetExecutable(buffer) abort
return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'thrift_thrift_executable')
function! ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetCommand(buffer) abort
let l:generators = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'thrift_thrift_generators')
let l:includes = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'thrift_thrift_includes')
" The thrift compiler requires at least one generator. If none are set,
" fall back to our default value to avoid silently failing. We could also
" `throw` here, but that seems even less helpful.
if empty(l:generators)
let l:generators = ['cpp']
let l:output_dir = tempname()
call mkdir(l:output_dir)
call ale#engine#ManageDirectory(a:buffer, l:output_dir)
return ale#Escape(ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetExecutable(a:buffer))
\ . ' ' . join(map(copy(l:generators), "'--gen ' . v:val"))
\ . ' ' . join(map(copy(l:includes), "'-I ' . v:val"))
\ . ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'thrift_thrift_options')
\ . ' -out ' . ale#Escape(l:output_dir)
\ . ' %t'
function! ale_linters#thrift#thrift#Handle(buffer, lines) abort
" Matches lines like the following:
" [SEVERITY:/path/filename.thrift:31] Message text
" [ERROR:/path/filename.thrift:31] (last token was ';')
let l:pattern = '\v^\[(\u+):(.*):(\d+)\] (.*)$'
let l:index = 0
let l:output = []
" Roll our own output-matching loop instead of using ale#util#GetMatches
" because we need to support error messages that span multiple lines.
while l:index < len(a:lines)
let l:line = a:lines[l:index]
let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern)
if empty(l:match)
let l:index += 1
let l:severity = l:match[1]
if l:severity is# 'WARNING'
let l:type = 'W'
let l:type = 'E'
" If our text looks like "(last token was ';')", the *next* line
" should contain a more descriptive error message.
let l:text = l:match[4]
if l:text =~# '\(last token was .*\)'
let l:index += 1
let l:text = get(a:lines, l:index, 'Unknown error ' . l:text)
call add(l:output, {
\ 'lnum': l:match[3] + 0,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': l:type,
\ 'text': l:text,
let l:index += 1
return l:output
call ale#linter#Define('thrift', {
\ 'name': 'thrift',
\ 'executable': 'thrift',
\ 'output_stream': 'both',
\ 'executable_callback': 'ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetExecutable',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale_linters#thrift#thrift#Handle',

doc/ale-thrift.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
ALE Thrift Integration *ale-thrift-options*
thrift *ale-thrift-thrift*
The `thrift` linter works by compiling the buffer's contents and reporting any
errors reported by the parser and the configured code generator(s).
g:ale_thrift_thrift_executable *g:ale_thrift_thrift_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'thrift'`
See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
g:ale_thrift_thrift_generators *g:ale_thrift_thrift_generators*
Type: |List| of |String|s
Default: `['cpp']`
This list must contain one or more named code generators. Generator options
can be included as part of each string, e.g. `['py:dynamic']`.
g:ale_thrift_thrift_includes *g:ale_thrift_thrift_includes*
Type: |List| of |String|s
Default: `[]`
This list contains paths that will be searched for thrift `include`
g:ale_thrift_thrift_options *g:ale_thrift_thrift_options*
Type: |String|
Default: `'-strict'`
This variable can be changed to customize the additional command-line
arguments that are passed to the thrift compiler.

View File

@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ CONTENTS *ale-contents*
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ Notes:
* Tcl: `nagelfar`!!
* Texinfo: `proselint`
* Text^: `proselint`, `vale`
* Thrift: `thrift`
* TypeScript: `eslint`, `tslint`, `tsserver`, `typecheck`
* Verilog: `iverilog`, `verilator`
* Vim: `vint`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Save g:ale_thrift_thrift_executable
Save g:ale_thrift_thrift_generators
Save g:ale_thrift_thrift_includes
Save g:ale_thrift_thrift_options
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_executable
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_generators
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_includes
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_options
function! GetCommand(buffer) abort
call ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(a:buffer)
let l:result = ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetCommand(a:buffer)
call ale#engine#Cleanup(a:buffer)
return l:result
runtime ale_linters/thrift/thrift.vim
delfunction GetCommand
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_executable
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_generators
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_includes
unlet! b:ale_thrift_thrift_options
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The executable should be configurable):
AssertEqual 'thrift', ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetExecutable(bufnr(''))
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_executable = 'foobar'
AssertEqual 'foobar', ale_linters#thrift#thrift#GetExecutable(bufnr(''))
Execute(The executable should be used in the command):
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# "^'thrift'"
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_executable = 'foobar'
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# "^'foobar'"
Execute(The list of generators should be configurable):
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '--gen cpp'
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_generators = ['java', 'py:dynamic']
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '--gen java --gen py:dynamic'
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_generators = []
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '--gen cpp'
Execute(The list of include paths should be configurable):
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) !~# '-I'
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_includes = ['included/path']
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '-I included/path'
Execute(The string of compiler options should be configurable):
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '-strict'
let b:ale_thrift_thrift_options = '-strict --allow-64bit-consts'
Assert GetCommand(bufnr('%')) =~# '-strict --allow-64bit-consts'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
runtime ale_linters/thrift/thrift.vim
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The thrift handler should handle basic warnings and errors):
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 17,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'text': 'The "byte" type is a compatibility alias for "i8". Use i8" to emphasize the signedness of this type.',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 20,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'text': 'Could not find include file include.thrift',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 83,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'Enum FOO is already defined!',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale_linters#thrift#thrift#Handle(1, [
\ '[WARNING:/path/filename.thrift:17] The "byte" type is a compatibility alias for "i8". Use i8" to emphasize the signedness of this type.',
\ '[WARNING:/path/filename.thrift:20] Could not find include file include.thrift',
\ '[FAILURE:/path/filename.thrift:83] Enum FOO is already defined!',
\ ])
Execute(The thrift handler should handle multiline errors):
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 75,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'This integer is too big: "11111111114213213453243"',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 76,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'Implicit field keys are deprecated and not allowed with -strict',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 77,
\ 'col': 0,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': "Unknown error (last token was ';')",
\ },
\ ],
\ ale_linters#thrift#thrift#Handle(1, [
\ "[ERROR:/path/filename.thrift:75] (last token was '11111111114213213453243')",
\ 'This integer is too big: "11111111114213213453243"',
\ "[ERROR:/path/filename.thrift:76] (last token was ';')",
\ 'Implicit field keys are deprecated and not allowed with -strict',
\ "[ERROR:/path/filename.thrift:77] (last token was ';')",
\ ])