Simplify some Rust handler code, and get the Rust handler tests passing on Windows
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,25 +7,25 @@ if !exists('g:ale_rust_ignore_error_codes')
let g:ale_rust_ignore_error_codes = []
" returns: a list [lnum, col] with the location of the error or []
function! s:FindErrorInExpansion(span, buffer) abort
if ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, a:span.file_name)
return [a:span.line_start, a:span.line_end, a:span.byte_start, a:span.byte_end]
function! s:FindSpan(buffer, span) abort
if ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, a:span.file_name) || a:span.file_name is# '<anon>'
return a:span
if !empty(a:span.expansion)
return s:FindErrorInExpansion(a:span.expansion.span, a:buffer)
" Search inside the expansion of an error, as the problem for this buffer
" could lie inside a nested object.
if !empty(get(a:span, 'expansion', v:null))
return s:FindSpan(a:buffer, a:span.expansion.span)
return []
return {}
" A handler function which accepts a file name, to make unit testing easier.
function! ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(buffer, full_filename, lines) abort
function! ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(buffer, lines) abort
let l:output = []
for l:errorline in a:lines
" ignore everything that is not Json
" ignore everything that is not JSON
if l:errorline !~# '^{'
@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ function! ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(buffer, full_filename, lines
for l:span in l:error.spans
if (
\ l:span.is_primary
\ && (ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, l:span.file_name) || l:span.file_name is# '<anon>')
for l:root_span in l:error.spans
let l:span = s:FindSpan(a:buffer, l:root_span)
if !empty(l:span)
call add(l:output, {
\ 'lnum': l:span.line_start,
\ 'end_lnum': l:span.line_end,
@ -57,29 +56,9 @@ function! ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(buffer, full_filename, lines
\ 'text': empty(l:span.label) ? l:error.message : printf('%s: %s', l:error.message, l:span.label),
\ 'type': toupper(l:error.level[0]),
" when the error is caused in the expansion of a macro, we have
" to bury deeper
let l:root_cause = s:FindErrorInExpansion(l:span, a:buffer)
if !empty(l:root_cause)
call add(l:output, {
\ 'lnum': l:root_cause[0],
\ 'end_lnum': l:root_cause[1],
\ 'col': l:root_cause[2],
\ 'end_col': l:root_cause[3],
\ 'text': l:error.message,
\ 'type': toupper(l:error.level[0]),
return l:output
" A handler for output for Rust linters.
function! ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(buffer, lines) abort
return ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(a:buffer, bufname(a:buffer), a:lines)
@ -20,13 +20,58 @@ Execute(The Rust handler should handle rustc output):
\ 'text': 'no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(bufnr(''), 'src/', [
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(bufnr(''), [
\ '',
\ 'ignore this',
\ '{"message":"expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found `for`","code":null,"level":"error","spans":[{"file_name":"<anon>","byte_start":418,"byte_end":421,"line_start":15,"line_end":15,"column_start":5,"column_end":8,"is_primary":true,"text":[{"text":" for chr in source.trim().chars() {","highlight_start":5,"highlight_end":8}],"label":null,"suggested_replacement":null,"expansion":null}],"children":[],"rendered":null}',
\ '{"message":"main function not found","code":null,"level":"error","spans":[],"children":[],"rendered":null}',
\ '{"message":"no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope","code":null,"level":"error","spans":[{"file_name":"<anon>","byte_start":407,"byte_end":410,"line_start":13,"line_end":13,"column_start":7,"column_end":10,"is_primary":true,"text":[{"text":" s.wat()","highlight_start":7,"highlight_end":10}],"label":null,"suggested_replacement":null,"expansion":null}],"children":[],"rendered":null}',
\ '{"message":"aborting due to previous error","code":null,"level":"error","spans":[],"children":[],"rendered":null}',
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': 'expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found `for`',
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'file_name': '<anon>',
\ 'byte_start': 418,
\ 'byte_end': 421,
\ 'line_start': 15,
\ 'line_end': 15,
\ 'column_start': 5,
\ 'column_end': 8,
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': v:null,
\ },
\ ],
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': 'main function not found',
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'spans': [],
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 410,
\ 'byte_start': 407,
\ 'column_end': 10,
\ 'column_start': 7,
\ 'file_name': '<anon>',
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': v:null,
\ 'line_end': 13,
\ 'line_start': 13,
\ }
\ ]
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'aborting due to previous error',
\ 'spans': [
\ ]
\ }),
\ ])
Execute(The Rust handler should handle cargo output):
@ -51,31 +96,107 @@ Execute(The Rust handler should handle cargo output):
\ 'text': 'no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(bufnr(''), 'src/', [
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(bufnr(''), [
\ '',
\ 'ignore this',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found `for`","rendered":null,"spans":[{"byte_end":11508,"byte_start":11505,"column_end":8,"column_start":5,"expansion":null,"file_name":"src/","is_primary":true,"label":null,"line_end":15,"line_start":15,"suggested_replacement":null,"text":[{"highlight_end":8,"highlight_start":5,"text":" for chr in source.trim().chars() {"}]}]},"package_id":"update 0.0.1 (path+file:///home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"kind":["bin"],"name":"update","src_path":"/home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example/src/"}}',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope","rendered":null,"spans":[{"byte_end":11497,"byte_start":11494,"column_end":10,"column_start":7,"expansion":null,"file_name":"src/","is_primary":true,"label":null,"line_end":13,"line_start":13,"suggested_replacement":null,"text":[{"highlight_end":10,"highlight_start":7,"text":" s.wat()"}]}]},"package_id":"update 0.0.1 (path+file:///home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"kind":["bin"],"name":"update","src_path":"/home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example/src/"}}',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"aborting due to previous error","rendered":null,"spans":[]},"package_id":"update 0.0.1 (path+file:///home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"kind":["bin"],"name":"update","src_path":"/home/w0rp/Downloads/rust-by-example/src/"}}',
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found `for`',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 11508,
\ 'byte_start': 11505,
\ 'column_end': 8,
\ 'column_start': 5,
\ 'file_name': ale#path#Winify('src/'),
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': v:null,
\ 'line_end': 15,
\ 'line_start': 15,
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'no method named `wat` found for type `std::string::String` in the current scope',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 11497,
\ 'byte_start': 11494,
\ 'column_end': 10,
\ 'column_start': 7,
\ 'file_name': ale#path#Winify('src/'),
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': v:null,
\ 'line_end': 13,
\ 'line_start': 13,
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'aborting due to previous error',
\ 'spans': [
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ ])
" Execute(The Rust handler should handle cargo output on Windows):
" call ale#test#SetFilename('src\')
" AssertEqual
" \ [
" \ {
" \ 'lnum': 467,
" \ 'end_lnum': 467,
" \ 'type': 'E',
" \ 'col': 43198,
" \ 'end_col': 43199,
" \ 'text': 'expected one of `!` or `::`, found `#`: unexpected token',
" \ },
" \ ],
" \ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(bufnr(''), 'src\', [
" \ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"expected one of `!` or `::`, found `#`","rendered":null,"spans":[{"byte_end":43199,"byte_start":43198,"column_end":2,"column_start":1,"expansion":null,"file_name":"src\\","is_primary":true,"label":"unexpected token","line_end":467,"line_start":467,"suggested_replacement":null,"text":[{"highlight_end":2,"highlight_start":1,"text":"#[cfg(test)]\r"}]}]},"package_id":"nvim-gtk 0.1.2 (path+file:///E:/daa/local/neovim-gtk)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"crate_types":["bin"],"kind":["bin"],"name":"nvim-gtk","src_path":"E:\\daa\\local\\neovim-gtk\\src\\"}}',
" \ ])
Execute(The Rust handler should should errors from expansion spans):
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 4,
\ 'end_lnum': 4,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'col': 52,
\ 'end_col': 54,
\ 'text': 'mismatched types: expected bool, found integral variable',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(bufnr(''), [
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'mismatched types',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 1,
\ 'byte_start': 1,
\ 'column_end': 1,
\ 'column_start': 1,
\ 'file_name': ale#path#Winify('src/'),
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': 'some other error',
\ 'line_end': 4,
\ 'line_start': 4,
\ 'expansion': {
\ 'span': {
\ 'byte_end': 54,
\ 'byte_start': 52,
\ 'column_end': 23,
\ 'column_start': 21,
\ 'file_name': ale#path#Winify('src/'),
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': 'expected bool, found integral variable',
\ 'line_end': 4,
\ 'line_start': 4,
\ }
\ }
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ ])
Execute(The Rust handler should show detailed errors):
call ale#test#SetFilename('src/')
@ -91,11 +212,39 @@ Execute(The Rust handler should show detailed errors):
\ 'text': 'mismatched types: expected bool, found integral variable',
\ },
\ ],
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(bufnr(''), 'src/', [
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(bufnr(''), [
\ '',
\ 'ignore this',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"mismatched types","rendered":null,"spans":[{"byte_end":54,"byte_start":52,"column_end":23,"column_start":21,"expansion":null,"file_name":"src/","is_primary":true,"label":"expected bool, found integral variable","line_end":4,"line_start":4,"suggested_replacement":null,"text":[{"highlight_end":23,"highlight_start":21,"text":" let foo: bool = 42;"}]}]},"package_id":"ale-rust-details 0.1.1 (path+file:///home/jon/tmp/ale-rust-details)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"crate_types":["bin"],"kind":["bin"],"name":"ale-rust-details","src_path":"/home/jon/tmp/ale-rust-details/src/"}}',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"aborting due to previous error(s)","rendered":null,"spans":[]},"package_id":"ale-rust-details 0.1.1 (path+file:///home/jon/tmp/ale-rust-details)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"crate_types":["bin"],"kind":["bin"],"name":"ale-rust-details","src_path":"/home/jon/tmp/ale-rust-details/src/"}}',
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'mismatched types',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 54,
\ 'byte_start': 52,
\ 'column_end': 23,
\ 'column_start': 21,
\ 'expansion': v:null,
\ 'file_name': ale#path#Winify('src/'),
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': 'expected bool, found integral variable',
\ 'line_end': 4,
\ 'line_start': 4,
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'aborting due to previous error(s)',
\ 'spans': [
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ ])
Execute(The Rust handler should find correct files):
@ -103,9 +252,36 @@ Execute(The Rust handler should find correct files):
\ [],
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrorsForFile(bufnr(''), 'src/noerrors/', [
\ ale#handlers#rust#HandleRustErrors(bufnr(''), [
\ '',
\ 'ignore this',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"unresolved import `Undefined`","rendered":null,"spans":[{"byte_end":103,"byte_start":94,"column_end":14,"column_start":5,"expansion":null,"file_name":"src/haserrors/","is_primary":true,"label":"no `Undefined` in the root","line_end":1,"line_start":1,"suggested_replacement":null,"text":[{"highlight_end":14,"highlight_start":5,"text":"use Undefined;"}]}]},"package_id":"sample 0.1.0 (path+file:///private/tmp/sample)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"crate_types":["lib"],"kind":["lib"],"name":"sample","src_path":"/private/tmp/sample/src/"}}',
\ '{"message":{"children":[],"code":null,"level":"error","message":"aborting due to previous error","rendered":null,"spans":[]},"package_id":"sample 0.1.0 (path+file:///private/tmp/sample)","reason":"compiler-message","target":{"crate_types":["lib"],"kind":["lib"],"name":"sample","src_path":"/private/tmp/sample/src/"}}',
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'unresolved import `Undefined`',
\ 'spans': [
\ {
\ 'byte_end': 103,
\ 'byte_start': 94,
\ 'column_end': 14,
\ 'column_start': 5,
\ 'file_name': 'src/haserrors/',
\ 'is_primary': v:true,
\ 'label': 'no `Undefined` in the root',
\ 'line_end': 1,
\ 'line_start': 1,
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ json_encode({
\ 'message': {
\ 'code': v:null,
\ 'level': 'error',
\ 'message': 'aborting due to previous error',
\ 'spans': [
\ ]
\ },
\ }),
\ ])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user