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let b:fake_mode = 'r'
let b:feedkeys_calls = []
" Mock mode() and feedkeys() for the check
function! ale#util#Mode(...) abort
return b:fake_mode
function! ale#util#FeedKeys(...) abort
call add(b:feedkeys_calls, a:000)
function! CheckError(mode, message, expected_list) abort
let b:fake_mode = a:mode
echom a:message
call ale#events#BufWinLeave()
AssertEqual [], b:feedkeys_calls
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual a:expected_list, b:feedkeys_calls
unlet! b:fake_mode
unlet! b:feedkeys_calls
delfunction CheckError
runtime autoload/ale/util.vim
Execute(The BufWinLeave event function should hide E924 errors):
" For some reason, this test fails the first time when running in NeoVim
" in Docker, so just execute this twice.
echom 'E924'
call ale#events#BufWinLeave()
sleep 1ms
let b:feedkeys_calls = []
call CheckError('r', 'E924', [["\<CR>", 'n']])
Execute(The BufWinLeave event function should hide E925 errors):
call CheckError('r', 'E925', [["\<CR>", 'n']])
Execute(The BufWinLeave event function should hide E926 errors):
call CheckError('r', 'E926', [["\<CR>", 'n']])
Execute(The BufWinLeave event function should ignore other errors):
call CheckError('r', 'E999', [])
Execute(The BufWinLeave event function not send keys for other modes):
call CheckError('n', 'E924', [])