Fixes build with gcc-5.x

Found at
diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.dec_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.dec_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 55da0ff..40e4d82 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.dec_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.dec_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -548,10 +548,10 @@ static void SimpleVFilter16(uint8_t* p, int stride, int thresh) {
 // TEMP3 = SRC[D + D1 * BPS]
 #define LOAD_4_BYTES(TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2, TEMP3,                               \
                      A, A1, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, SRC)                          \
-  "lbu          %["#TEMP0"],   "#A"+"#A1"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])     \n\t"     \
-  "lbu          %["#TEMP1"],   "#B"+"#B1"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])     \n\t"     \
-  "lbu          %["#TEMP2"],   "#C"+"#C1"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])     \n\t"     \
-  "lbu          %["#TEMP3"],   "#D"+"#D1"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])     \n\t"     \
+  "lbu      %[" #TEMP0 "],   " #A "+" #A1 "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "]) \n\t"     \
+  "lbu      %[" #TEMP1 "],   " #B "+" #B1 "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "]) \n\t"     \
+  "lbu      %[" #TEMP2 "],   " #C "+" #C1 "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "]) \n\t"     \
+  "lbu      %[" #TEMP3 "],   " #D "+" #D1 "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "]) \n\t"     \
 static void SimpleHFilter16(uint8_t* p, int stride, int thresh) {
   int i;
@@ -623,8 +623,8 @@ static void SimpleHFilter16i(uint8_t* p, int stride, int thresh) {
 // DST[A * BPS]     = TEMP0
 // DST[B + C * BPS] = TEMP1
 #define STORE_8_BYTES(TEMP0, TEMP1, A, B, C, DST)                              \
-  "usw          %["#TEMP0"],   "#A"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#DST"])         \n\t"       \
-  "usw          %["#TEMP1"],   "#B"+"#C"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#DST"])    \n\t"
+  "usw    %[" #TEMP0 "],   " #A "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #DST "])         \n\t"       \
+  "usw    %[" #TEMP1 "],   " #B "+" #C "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #DST "])  \n\t"
 static void VE4(uint8_t* dst) {    // vertical
   const uint8_t* top = dst - BPS;
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ static void RD4(uint8_t* dst) {   // Down-right
 // TEMP0 = SRC[A * BPS]
 // TEMP1 = SRC[B + C * BPS]
 #define LOAD_8_BYTES(TEMP0, TEMP1, A, B, C, SRC)                               \
-  "ulw          %["#TEMP0"],   "#A"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])         \n\t"       \
-  "ulw          %["#TEMP1"],   "#B"+"#C"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%["#SRC"])    \n\t"
+  "ulw    %[" #TEMP0 "],   " #A "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "])         \n\t"       \
+  "ulw    %[" #TEMP1 "],   " #B "+" #C "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[" #SRC "])  \n\t"
 static void LD4(uint8_t* dst) {   // Down-Left
   int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;
@@ -873,24 +873,24 @@ static void DC8uvNoTop(uint8_t* dst) {  // DC with no top samples
 #define CLIPPING(SIZE)                                                         \
   "   %[temp2],   %[temp0]                  \n\t"                 \
   "   %[temp0],   %[temp0]                  \n\t"                 \
-".if "#SIZE" == 8                                        \n\t"                 \
+".if " #SIZE " == 8                                      \n\t"                 \
   "   %[temp3],   %[temp1]                  \n\t"                 \
   "   %[temp1],   %[temp1]                  \n\t"                 \
 ".endif                                                  \n\t"                 \
   "         %[temp2],   %[temp2],   %[dst_1]      \n\t"                 \
   "         %[temp0],   %[temp0],   %[dst_1]      \n\t"                 \
-".if "#SIZE" == 8                                        \n\t"                 \
+".if " #SIZE " == 8                                      \n\t"                 \
   "         %[temp3],   %[temp3],   %[dst_1]      \n\t"                 \
   "         %[temp1],   %[temp1],   %[dst_1]      \n\t"                 \
 ".endif                                                  \n\t"                 \
   "       %[temp2],   %[temp2],   7             \n\t"                 \
   "       %[temp0],   %[temp0],   7             \n\t"                 \
-".if "#SIZE" == 8                                        \n\t"                 \
+".if " #SIZE " == 8                                      \n\t"                 \
   "       %[temp3],   %[temp3],   7             \n\t"                 \
   "       %[temp1],   %[temp1],   7             \n\t"                 \
 ".endif                                                  \n\t"                 \
   " %[temp0],   %[temp2],   %[temp0]      \n\t"                 \
-".if "#SIZE" == 8                                        \n\t"                 \
+".if " #SIZE " == 8                                      \n\t"                 \
   " %[temp1],   %[temp3],   %[temp1]      \n\t"                 \
 ".endif                                                  \n\t"
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ static void DC8uvNoTop(uint8_t* dst) {  // DC with no top samples
   int dst_1 = ((int)(DST)[-1] << 16) + (DST)[-1];                              \
   int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;                                              \
   __asm__ volatile (                                                           \
-  ".if "#SIZE" < 8                                       \n\t"                 \
+  ".if " #SIZE " < 8                                     \n\t"                 \
     "ulw             %[temp0],   0(%[top])               \n\t"                 \
     "         %[dst_1],   %[dst_1],    %[top_1]   \n\t"                 \
     CLIPPING(4)                                                                \
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ static void DC8uvNoTop(uint8_t* dst) {  // DC with no top samples
     CLIPPING(8)                                                                \
     "usw             %[temp0],   0(%[dst])               \n\t"                 \
     "usw             %[temp1],   4(%[dst])               \n\t"                 \
-  ".if "#SIZE" == 16                                     \n\t"                 \
+  ".if " #SIZE " == 16                                   \n\t"                 \
     "ulw             %[temp0],   8(%[top])               \n\t"                 \
     "ulw             %[temp1],   12(%[top])              \n\t"                 \
     CLIPPING(8)                                                                \

diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips32.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips32.c
index 9cb2f26..b50e08b 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips32.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips32.c
@@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ static const int kC2 = 35468;
 // TEMP0..TEMP3 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
 // TEMP4..TEMP5 - temporary registers
 #define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, TEMP4, TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2, TEMP3)        \
-  "lh      %[temp16],      "#A"(%[temp20])                 \n\t"            \
-  "lh      %[temp18],      "#B"(%[temp20])                 \n\t"            \
-  "lh      %[temp17],      "#C"(%[temp20])                 \n\t"            \
-  "lh      %[temp19],      "#D"(%[temp20])                 \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP4"],    %[temp16],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %[temp16],      %[temp16],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp17],      %[kC2]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %[temp18],      %[temp19],      %[kC1]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %[temp17],      %[temp17],      %[kC1]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %[temp19],      %[temp19],      %[kC2]          \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP0"],    16              \n\n"            \
-  "sra     %[temp18],      %[temp18],      16              \n\n"            \
-  "sra     %[temp17],      %[temp17],      16              \n\n"            \
-  "sra     %[temp19],      %[temp19],      16              \n\n"            \
-  "subu    %["#TEMP2"],    %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP3"],    %[temp17],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP3"]     \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP1"],    %[temp16],      %["#TEMP2"]     \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %["#TEMP2"],    %[temp16],      %["#TEMP2"]     \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %["#TEMP3"],    %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP3"]     \n\t"
+  "lh      %[temp16],      " #A "(%[temp20])                 \n\t"          \
+  "lh      %[temp18],      " #B "(%[temp20])                 \n\t"          \
+  "lh      %[temp17],      " #C "(%[temp20])                 \n\t"          \
+  "lh      %[temp19],      " #D "(%[temp20])                 \n\t"          \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[temp16],      %[temp18]       \n\t"          \
+  "subu    %[temp16],      %[temp16],      %[temp18]         \n\t"          \
+  "mul     %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp17],      %[kC2]          \n\t"          \
+  "mul     %[temp18],      %[temp19],      %[kC1]            \n\t"          \
+  "mul     %[temp17],      %[temp17],      %[kC1]            \n\t"          \
+  "mul     %[temp19],      %[temp19],      %[kC2]            \n\t"          \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP0 "],    16            \n\n"          \
+  "sra     %[temp18],      %[temp18],      16                \n\n"          \
+  "sra     %[temp17],      %[temp17],      16                \n\n"          \
+  "sra     %[temp19],      %[temp19],      16                \n\n"          \
+  "subu    %[" #TEMP2 "],    %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp18]     \n\t"          \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP3 "],    %[temp17],      %[temp19]       \n\t"          \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP3 "] \n\t"          \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP1 "],    %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP2 "]   \n\t"          \
+  "subu    %[" #TEMP2 "],    %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP2 "]   \n\t"          \
+  "subu    %[" #TEMP3 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP3 "] \n\t"
 // macro for one horizontal pass in ITransformOne
 // MUL and STORE macros inlined
@@ -58,59 +58,59 @@ static const int kC2 = 35468;
 // temp0..temp15 holds tmp[0]..tmp[15]
 // A - offset in bytes to load from ref and store to dst buffer
 // TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8 and TEMP12 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
-#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12)                     \
-  "addiu   %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP0"],    4               \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %[temp16],      %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP8"]     \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %[temp17],      %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP8"]     \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP4"],    %[kC2]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %["#TEMP8"],    %["#TEMP12"],   %[kC1]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP4"],    %[kC1]          \n\t"            \
-  "mul     %["#TEMP12"],   %["#TEMP12"],   %[kC2]          \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP0"],    16              \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP8"],    %["#TEMP8"],    16              \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP4"],    16              \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP12"],   %["#TEMP12"],   16              \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %[temp18],      %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP8"]     \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %[temp19],      %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP12"]    \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp16],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP4"],    %[temp17],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %["#TEMP8"],    %[temp17],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "subu    %["#TEMP12"],   %[temp16],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
-  "lw      %[temp20],      0(%[args])                      \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP0"],    %["#TEMP0"],    3               \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP4"],    %["#TEMP4"],    3               \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP8"],    %["#TEMP8"],    3               \n\t"            \
-  "sra     %["#TEMP12"],   %["#TEMP12"],   3               \n\t"            \
-  "lbu     %[temp16],      0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
-  "lbu     %[temp17],      1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
-  "lbu     %[temp18],      2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
-  "lbu     %[temp19],      3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp16],      %["#TEMP0"]     \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP4"],    %[temp17],      %["#TEMP4"]     \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP8"],    %[temp18],      %["#TEMP8"]     \n\t"            \
-  "addu    %["#TEMP12"],   %[temp19],      %["#TEMP12"]    \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp16],      %["#TEMP0"],    $zero           \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp17],      %["#TEMP4"],    $zero           \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp18],      %["#TEMP8"],    $zero           \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp19],      %["#TEMP12"],   $zero           \n\t"            \
-  "movn    %["#TEMP0"],    $zero,          %[temp16]       \n\t"            \
-  "movn    %["#TEMP4"],    $zero,          %[temp17]       \n\t"            \
-  "movn    %["#TEMP8"],    $zero,          %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "movn    %["#TEMP12"],   $zero,          %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
-  "addiu   %[temp20],      $zero,          255             \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp16],      %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp17],      %["#TEMP4"],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp18],      %["#TEMP8"],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
-  "slt     %[temp19],      %["#TEMP12"],   %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
-  "movz    %["#TEMP0"],    %[temp20],      %[temp16]       \n\t"            \
-  "movz    %["#TEMP4"],    %[temp20],      %[temp17]       \n\t"            \
-  "lw      %[temp16],      8(%[args])                      \n\t"            \
-  "movz    %["#TEMP8"],    %[temp20],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
-  "movz    %["#TEMP12"],   %[temp20],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
-  "sb      %["#TEMP0"],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp16])   \n\t"            \
-  "sb      %["#TEMP4"],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp16])   \n\t"            \
-  "sb      %["#TEMP8"],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp16])   \n\t"            \
-  "sb      %["#TEMP12"],   3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[temp16])   \n\t"
+#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12)                       \
+  "addiu   %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP0 "],    4             \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP8 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "subu    %[temp17],      %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP8 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "mul     %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[kC2]        \n\t"            \
+  "mul     %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[kC1]        \n\t"            \
+  "mul     %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[kC1]        \n\t"            \
+  "mul     %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[kC2]        \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP0 "],    16            \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[" #TEMP8 "],    16            \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    16            \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[" #TEMP12 "],   16            \n\t"            \
+  "subu    %[temp18],      %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP8 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[temp19],      %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP12 "]  \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp16],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[temp17],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
+  "subu    %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[temp17],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
+  "subu    %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[temp16],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
+  "lw      %[temp20],      0(%[args])                        \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[" #TEMP0 "],    3             \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[" #TEMP4 "],    3             \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[" #TEMP8 "],    3             \n\t"            \
+  "sra     %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[" #TEMP12 "],   3             \n\t"            \
+  "lbu     %[temp16],      0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
+  "lbu     %[temp17],      1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
+  "lbu     %[temp18],      2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
+  "lbu     %[temp19],      3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp20])   \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP0 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[temp17],      %[" #TEMP4 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[temp18],      %[" #TEMP8 "]   \n\t"            \
+  "addu    %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[temp19],      %[" #TEMP12 "]  \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP0 "],    $zero           \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp17],      %[" #TEMP4 "],    $zero           \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp18],      %[" #TEMP8 "],    $zero           \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp19],      %[" #TEMP12 "],   $zero           \n\t"            \
+  "movn    %[" #TEMP0 "],    $zero,          %[temp16]       \n\t"            \
+  "movn    %[" #TEMP4 "],    $zero,          %[temp17]       \n\t"            \
+  "movn    %[" #TEMP8 "],    $zero,          %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
+  "movn    %[" #TEMP12 "],   $zero,          %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
+  "addiu   %[temp20],      $zero,          255               \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp16],      %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp17],      %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp18],      %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
+  "slt     %[temp19],      %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[temp20]       \n\t"            \
+  "movz    %[" #TEMP0 "],    %[temp20],      %[temp16]       \n\t"            \
+  "movz    %[" #TEMP4 "],    %[temp20],      %[temp17]       \n\t"            \
+  "lw      %[temp16],      8(%[args])                        \n\t"            \
+  "movz    %[" #TEMP8 "],    %[temp20],      %[temp18]       \n\t"            \
+  "movz    %[" #TEMP12 "],   %[temp20],      %[temp19]       \n\t"            \
+  "sb      %[" #TEMP0 "],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp16]) \n\t"            \
+  "sb      %[" #TEMP4 "],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp16]) \n\t"            \
+  "sb      %[" #TEMP8 "],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp16]) \n\t"            \
+  "sb      %[" #TEMP12 "],   3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[temp16]) \n\t"
 // Does one or two inverse transforms.
 static WEBP_INLINE void ITransformOne(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ static void ITransform(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
 // K - offset in bytes (kZigzag[n] * 4)
 // N - offset in bytes (n * 2)
 #define QUANTIZE_ONE(J, K, N)                                               \
-  "lh           %[temp0],       "#J"(%[ppin])                       \n\t"   \
-  "lhu          %[temp1],       "#J"(%[ppsharpen])                  \n\t"   \
-  "lw           %[temp2],       "#K"(%[ppzthresh])                  \n\t"   \
+  "lh           %[temp0],       " #J "(%[ppin])                     \n\t"   \
+  "lhu          %[temp1],       " #J "(%[ppsharpen])                \n\t"   \
+  "lw           %[temp2],       " #K "(%[ppzthresh])                \n\t"   \
   "sra          %[sign],        %[temp0],           15              \n\t"   \
   "xor          %[coeff],       %[temp0],           %[sign]         \n\t"   \
   "subu         %[coeff],       %[coeff],           %[sign]         \n\t"   \
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ static void ITransform(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
   "addiu        %[temp5],       $zero,              0               \n\t"   \
   "addiu        %[level],       $zero,              0               \n\t"   \
   "beqz         %[temp4],       2f                                  \n\t"   \
-  "lhu          %[temp1],       "#J"(%[ppiq])                       \n\t"   \
-  "lw           %[temp2],       "#K"(%[ppbias])                     \n\t"   \
-  "lhu          %[temp3],       "#J"(%[ppq])                        \n\t"   \
+  "lhu          %[temp1],       " #J "(%[ppiq])                     \n\t"   \
+  "lw           %[temp2],       " #K "(%[ppbias])                   \n\t"   \
+  "lhu          %[temp3],       " #J "(%[ppq])                      \n\t"   \
   "mul          %[level],       %[coeff],           %[temp1]        \n\t"   \
   "addu         %[level],       %[level],           %[temp2]        \n\t"   \
   "sra          %[level],       %[level],           17              \n\t"   \
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ static void ITransform(const uint8_t* ref, const int16_t* in,
   "subu         %[level],       %[level],           %[sign]         \n\t"   \
   "mul          %[temp5],       %[level],           %[temp3]        \n\t"   \
 "2:                                                                 \n\t"   \
-  "sh           %[temp5],       "#J"(%[ppin])                       \n\t"   \
-  "sh           %[level],       "#N"(%[pout])                       \n\t"
+  "sh           %[temp5],       " #J "(%[ppin])                     \n\t"   \
+  "sh           %[level],       " #N "(%[pout])                     \n\t"
 static int QuantizeBlock(int16_t in[16], int16_t out[16],
                          const VP8Matrix* const mtx) {
@@ -253,39 +253,39 @@ static int Quantize2Blocks(int16_t in[32], int16_t out[32],
 // A - offset in bytes to load from a and b buffers
 // E..H - offsets in bytes to store first results to tmp buffer
 // E1..H1 - offsets in bytes to store second results to tmp buffer
-#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, E, F, G, H, E1, F1, G1, H1)              \
-  "lbu    %[temp0],  0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[a])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp1],  1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[a])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp2],  2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[a])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp3],  3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[a])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp4],  0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[b])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp5],  1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[b])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp6],  2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[b])  \n\t"                \
-  "lbu    %[temp7],  3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%[b])  \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp2]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp2]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp2],  %[temp1],    %[temp3]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp1],  %[temp1],    %[temp3]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp3],  %[temp4],    %[temp6]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp4],  %[temp4],    %[temp6]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp6],  %[temp5],    %[temp7]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp5],  %[temp5],    %[temp7]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp7],  %[temp8],    %[temp2]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp2],  %[temp8],    %[temp2]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp1],  %[temp3],    %[temp6]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp3],  %[temp3],    %[temp6]     \n\t"                \
-  "addu   %[temp6],  %[temp4],    %[temp5]     \n\t"                \
-  "subu   %[temp4],  %[temp4],    %[temp5]     \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp7],  "#E"(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp2],  "#H"(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp8],  "#F"(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp0],  "#G"(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp1],  "#E1"(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp3],  "#H1"(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp6],  "#F1"(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
-  "sw     %[temp4],  "#G1"(%[tmp])             \n\t"
+#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, E, F, G, H, E1, F1, G1, H1)                \
+  "lbu    %[temp0],  0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[a])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp1],  1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[a])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp2],  2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[a])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp3],  3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[a])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp4],  0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[b])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp5],  1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[b])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp6],  2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[b])  \n\t"                \
+  "lbu    %[temp7],  3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[b])  \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp2]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp2]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp2],  %[temp1],    %[temp3]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp1],  %[temp1],    %[temp3]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp3],  %[temp4],    %[temp6]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp4],  %[temp4],    %[temp6]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp6],  %[temp5],    %[temp7]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp5],  %[temp5],    %[temp7]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp7],  %[temp8],    %[temp2]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp2],  %[temp8],    %[temp2]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp1],  %[temp3],    %[temp6]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp3],  %[temp3],    %[temp6]       \n\t"                \
+  "addu   %[temp6],  %[temp4],    %[temp5]       \n\t"                \
+  "subu   %[temp4],  %[temp4],    %[temp5]       \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp7],  " #E "(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp2],  " #H "(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp8],  " #F "(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp0],  " #G "(%[tmp])              \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp1],  " #E1 "(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp3],  " #H1 "(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp6],  " #F1 "(%[tmp])             \n\t"                \
+  "sw     %[temp4],  " #G1 "(%[tmp])             \n\t"
 // macro for one vertical pass in Disto4x4 (TTransform)
 // two calls of function TTransform are merged into single one
@@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ static int Quantize2Blocks(int16_t in[32], int16_t out[32],
 // A1..D1 - offsets in bytes to load second results from tmp buffer
 // E..H - offsets in bytes to load from w buffer
 #define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, A1, B1, C1, D1, E, F, G, H)     \
-  "lw     %[temp0],  "#A1"(%[tmp])           \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp1],  "#C1"(%[tmp])           \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp2],  "#B1"(%[tmp])           \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp3],  "#D1"(%[tmp])           \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp0],  " #A1 "(%[tmp])         \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp1],  " #C1 "(%[tmp])         \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp2],  " #B1 "(%[tmp])         \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp3],  " #D1 "(%[tmp])         \n\t"                \
   "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]   \n\t"                \
   "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]   \n\t"                \
   "addu   %[temp1],  %[temp2],    %[temp3]   \n\t"                \
@@ -324,18 +324,18 @@ static int Quantize2Blocks(int16_t in[32], int16_t out[32],
   "subu   %[temp1],  %[temp1],    %[temp5]   \n\t"                \
   "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp6]   \n\t"                \
   "subu   %[temp8],  %[temp8],    %[temp7]   \n\t"                \
-  "lhu    %[temp4],  "#E"(%[w])              \n\t"                \
-  "lhu    %[temp5],  "#F"(%[w])              \n\t"                \
-  "lhu    %[temp6],  "#G"(%[w])              \n\t"                \
-  "lhu    %[temp7],  "#H"(%[w])              \n\t"                \
+  "lhu    %[temp4],  " #E "(%[w])            \n\t"                \
+  "lhu    %[temp5],  " #F "(%[w])            \n\t"                \
+  "lhu    %[temp6],  " #G "(%[w])            \n\t"                \
+  "lhu    %[temp7],  " #H "(%[w])            \n\t"                \
   "madd   %[temp4],  %[temp3]                \n\t"                \
   "madd   %[temp5],  %[temp1]                \n\t"                \
   "madd   %[temp6],  %[temp0]                \n\t"                \
   "madd   %[temp7],  %[temp8]                \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp0],  "#A"(%[tmp])            \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp1],  "#C"(%[tmp])            \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp2],  "#B"(%[tmp])            \n\t"                \
-  "lw     %[temp3],  "#D"(%[tmp])            \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp0],  " #A "(%[tmp])          \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp1],  " #C "(%[tmp])          \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp2],  " #B "(%[tmp])          \n\t"                \
+  "lw     %[temp3],  " #D "(%[tmp])          \n\t"                \
   "addu   %[temp8],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]   \n\t"                \
   "subu   %[temp0],  %[temp0],    %[temp1]   \n\t"                \
   "addu   %[temp1],  %[temp2],    %[temp3]   \n\t"                \
@@ -412,71 +412,71 @@ static int Disto16x16(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
 // temp0..temp15 holds tmp[0]..tmp[15]
 // A - offset in bytes to load from src and ref buffers
 // TEMP0..TEMP3 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
-#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2, TEMP3)            \
-  "lw     %["#TEMP1"],  0(%[args])                       \n\t"    \
-  "lw     %["#TEMP2"],  4(%[args])                       \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp16],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP1"])  \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp17],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP2"])  \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp18],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP1"])  \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp19],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP2"])  \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %[temp20],    %[temp16],    %[temp17]          \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp16],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP1"])  \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp17],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP2"])  \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp18],    %[temp19]          \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp18],    3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP1"])  \n\t"    \
-  "lbu    %[temp19],    3+"XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP2"])  \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP1"],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]          \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP2"],  %[temp18],    %[temp19]          \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %["#TEMP3"],  %[temp20],    %["#TEMP2"]        \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP2"],  %[temp20],    %["#TEMP2"]        \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %[temp20],    %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP1"]        \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP1"]        \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %[temp16],    %["#TEMP2"],  %[c5352]           \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %[temp17],    %["#TEMP2"],  %[c2217]           \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %[temp18],    %["#TEMP0"],  %[c5352]           \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %[temp19],    %["#TEMP0"],  %[c2217]           \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %["#TEMP1"],  %["#TEMP3"],  %[temp20]          \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %[temp20],    %["#TEMP3"],  %[temp20]          \n\t"    \
-  "sll    %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP1"],  3                  \n\t"    \
-  "sll    %["#TEMP2"],  %[temp20],    3                  \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %[temp16],    %[temp16],    1812               \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %[temp17],    %[temp17],    937                \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %[temp16],    %[temp16],    %[temp19]          \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %[temp17],    %[temp17],    %[temp18]          \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP1"],  %[temp16],    9                  \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP3"],  %[temp17],    9                  \n\t"
+#define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2, TEMP3)                \
+  "lw     %[" #TEMP1 "],  0(%[args])                         \n\t"    \
+  "lw     %[" #TEMP2 "],  4(%[args])                         \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp16],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP1 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp17],    0+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP2 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp18],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP1 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp19],    1+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP2 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[temp20],    %[temp16],    %[temp17]              \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp16],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP1 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp17],    2+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP2 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp18],    %[temp19]            \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp18],    3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP1 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "lbu    %[temp19],    3+"XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP2 "])  \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]            \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[temp18],    %[temp19]            \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[" #TEMP3 "],  %[temp20],    %[" #TEMP2 "]        \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[temp20],    %[" #TEMP2 "]        \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[temp20],    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP1 "]        \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP1 "]      \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[temp16],    %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[c5352]             \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[temp17],    %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[c2217]             \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[temp18],    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[c5352]             \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[temp19],    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[c2217]             \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[" #TEMP3 "],  %[temp20]          \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[temp20],    %[" #TEMP3 "],  %[temp20]            \n\t"    \
+  "sll    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP1 "],  3                  \n\t"    \
+  "sll    %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[temp20],    3                    \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[temp16],    %[temp16],    1812                   \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[temp17],    %[temp17],    937                    \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[temp16],    %[temp16],    %[temp19]              \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[temp17],    %[temp17],    %[temp18]              \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[temp16],    9                    \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP3 "],  %[temp17],    9                    \n\t"
 // macro for one vertical pass in FTransform
 // temp0..temp15 holds tmp[0]..tmp[15]
 // A..D - offsets in bytes to store to out buffer
 // TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8 and TEMP12 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
-#define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12)  \
-  "addu   %[temp16],    %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP12"]     \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %[temp19],    %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP12"]     \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %[temp17],    %["#TEMP4"],  %["#TEMP8"]      \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %[temp18],    %["#TEMP4"],  %["#TEMP8"]      \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %["#TEMP8"],  %[temp19],    %[c2217]         \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %["#TEMP12"], %[temp18],    %[c2217]         \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %["#TEMP4"],  %[temp19],    %[c5352]         \n\t"    \
-  "mul    %[temp18],    %[temp18],    %[c5352]         \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %[temp16],    %[temp16],    7                \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]        \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP0"],  4                \n\t"    \
-  "addu   %["#TEMP12"], %["#TEMP12"], %["#TEMP4"]      \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP4"],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]        \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP4"],  %["#TEMP4"],  4                \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %["#TEMP8"],  %["#TEMP8"],  30000            \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %["#TEMP12"], %["#TEMP12"], 12000            \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %["#TEMP8"],  %["#TEMP8"],  21000            \n\t"    \
-  "subu   %["#TEMP8"],  %["#TEMP8"],  %[temp18]        \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP12"], %["#TEMP12"], 16               \n\t"    \
-  "sra    %["#TEMP8"],  %["#TEMP8"],  16               \n\t"    \
-  "addiu  %[temp16],    %["#TEMP12"], 1                \n\t"    \
-  "movn   %["#TEMP12"], %[temp16],    %[temp19]        \n\t"    \
-  "sh     %["#TEMP0"],  "#A"(%[temp20])                \n\t"    \
-  "sh     %["#TEMP4"],  "#C"(%[temp20])                \n\t"    \
-  "sh     %["#TEMP8"],  "#D"(%[temp20])                \n\t"    \
-  "sh     %["#TEMP12"], "#B"(%[temp20])                \n\t"
+#define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12)    \
+  "addu   %[temp16],    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP12 "]   \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[temp19],    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP12 "]   \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[temp17],    %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "]    \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[temp18],    %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "]    \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[temp19],    %[c2217]         \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[" #TEMP12 "], %[temp18],    %[c2217]         \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[temp19],    %[c5352]         \n\t"    \
+  "mul    %[temp18],    %[temp18],    %[c5352]           \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[temp16],    %[temp16],    7                  \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]        \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  4              \n\t"    \
+  "addu   %[" #TEMP12 "], %[" #TEMP12 "], %[" #TEMP4 "]  \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[temp16],    %[temp17]        \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[" #TEMP4 "],  4              \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "],  30000          \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[" #TEMP12 "], %[" #TEMP12 "], 12000          \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "],  21000          \n\t"    \
+  "subu   %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[temp18]      \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP12 "], %[" #TEMP12 "], 16             \n\t"    \
+  "sra    %[" #TEMP8 "],  %[" #TEMP8 "],  16             \n\t"    \
+  "addiu  %[temp16],    %[" #TEMP12 "], 1                \n\t"    \
+  "movn   %[" #TEMP12 "], %[temp16],    %[temp19]        \n\t"    \
+  "sh     %[" #TEMP0 "],  " #A "(%[temp20])              \n\t"    \
+  "sh     %[" #TEMP4 "],  " #C "(%[temp20])              \n\t"    \
+  "sh     %[" #TEMP8 "],  " #D "(%[temp20])              \n\t"    \
+  "sh     %[" #TEMP12 "], " #B "(%[temp20])              \n\t"
 static void FTransform(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* ref, int16_t* out) {
   int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7, temp8;
@@ -516,14 +516,14 @@ static void FTransform(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* ref, int16_t* out) {
 #if !defined(WORK_AROUND_GCC)
 #define GET_SSE_INNER(A, B, C, D)                               \
-  "lbu     %[temp0],    "#A"(%[a])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp1],    "#A"(%[b])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp2],    "#B"(%[a])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp3],    "#B"(%[b])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp4],    "#C"(%[a])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp5],    "#C"(%[b])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp6],    "#D"(%[a])                   \n\t"      \
-  "lbu     %[temp7],    "#D"(%[b])                   \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp0],    " #A "(%[a])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp1],    " #A "(%[b])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp2],    " #B "(%[a])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp3],    " #B "(%[b])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp4],    " #C "(%[a])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp5],    " #C "(%[b])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp6],    " #D "(%[a])                 \n\t"      \
+  "lbu     %[temp7],    " #D "(%[b])                 \n\t"      \
   "subu    %[temp0],    %[temp0],     %[temp1]       \n\t"      \
   "subu    %[temp2],    %[temp2],     %[temp3]       \n\t"      \
   "subu    %[temp4],    %[temp4],     %[temp5]       \n\t"      \

diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 42daaf5..2867e3b 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.enc_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@ static const int kC2 = 35468;
 // I - input (macro doesn't change it)
 #define ADD_SUB_HALVES_X4(O0, O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7,                      \
                           I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7)                      \
-  "          %["#O0"],   %["#I0"],  %["#I1"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O1"],   %["#I0"],  %["#I1"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O2"],   %["#I2"],  %["#I3"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O3"],   %["#I2"],  %["#I3"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O4"],   %["#I4"],  %["#I5"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O5"],   %["#I4"],  %["#I5"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O6"],   %["#I6"],  %["#I7"]           \n\t"            \
-  "          %["#O7"],   %["#I6"],  %["#I7"]           \n\t"
+  "          %[" #O0 "],   %[" #I0 "],  %[" #I1 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O1 "],   %[" #I0 "],  %[" #I1 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O2 "],   %[" #I2 "],  %[" #I3 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O3 "],   %[" #I2 "],  %[" #I3 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O4 "],   %[" #I4 "],  %[" #I5 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O5 "],   %[" #I4 "],  %[" #I5 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O6 "],   %[" #I6 "],  %[" #I7 "]     \n\t"            \
+  "          %[" #O7 "],   %[" #I6 "],  %[" #I7 "]     \n\t"
 // IO - input/output
 #define ABS_X8(IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3, IO4, IO5, IO6, IO7)                         \
-  "        %["#IO0"],   %["#IO0"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO1"],   %["#IO1"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO2"],   %["#IO2"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO3"],   %["#IO3"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO4"],   %["#IO4"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO5"],   %["#IO5"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO6"],   %["#IO6"]                    \n\t"            \
-  "        %["#IO7"],   %["#IO7"]                    \n\t"
+  "        %[" #IO0 "],   %[" #IO0 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO1 "],   %[" #IO1 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO2 "],   %[" #IO2 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO3 "],   %[" #IO3 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO4 "],   %[" #IO4 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO5 "],   %[" #IO5 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO6 "],   %[" #IO6 "]                \n\t"            \
+  "        %[" #IO7 "],   %[" #IO7 "]                \n\t"
 // $ac0 temp0 ,temp1
 //  $ac += temp0[31..16] * temp1[31..16] + temp0[15..0] * temp1[15..0]
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ static const int kC2 = 35468;
 #define MUL_HALF(O0, I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7,                           \
                  I8, I9, I10, I11, I12, I13, I14, I15)                         \
     "mult            $ac0,      $zero,     $zero              \n\t"            \
-    "        $ac0,      %["#I2"],  %["#I0"]           \n\t"            \
-    "       $ac0,      %["#I5"],  %["#I6"]           \n\t"            \
-    "        $ac0,      %["#I8"],  %["#I9"]           \n\t"            \
-    "       $ac0,      %["#I11"], %["#I4"]           \n\t"            \
-    "        $ac0,      %["#I12"], %["#I7"]           \n\t"            \
-    "       $ac0,      %["#I13"], %["#I1"]           \n\t"            \
-    "        $ac0,      %["#I14"], %["#I3"]           \n\t"            \
-    "       $ac0,      %["#I15"], %["#I10"]          \n\t"            \
-    "mflo            %["#O0"],  $ac0                          \n\t"
+    "        $ac0,      %[" #I2 "],  %[" #I0 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "       $ac0,      %[" #I5 "],  %[" #I6 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "        $ac0,      %[" #I8 "],  %[" #I9 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "       $ac0,      %[" #I11 "], %[" #I4 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "        $ac0,      %[" #I12 "], %[" #I7 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "       $ac0,      %[" #I13 "], %[" #I1 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "        $ac0,      %[" #I14 "], %[" #I3 "]       \n\t"            \
+    "       $ac0,      %[" #I15 "], %[" #I10 "]      \n\t"            \
+    "mflo            %[" #O0 "],  $ac0 
 #define OUTPUT_EARLY_CLOBBER_REGS_17()                                         \
   OUTPUT_EARLY_CLOBBER_REGS_10(),                                              \
@@ -77,69 +77,69 @@ static const int kC2 = 35468;
 // A - offset in bytes to load from src and ref buffers
 // TEMP0..TEMP3 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
 #define HORIZONTAL_PASS(A, TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2, TEMP3)                         \
-  "lw              %["#TEMP0"],   0(%[args])                        \n\t"      \
-  "lw              %["#TEMP1"],   4(%[args])                        \n\t"      \
-  "lw              %["#TEMP2"],   "XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP0"])     \n\t"      \
-  "lw              %["#TEMP3"],   "XSTR(BPS)"*"#A"(%["#TEMP1"])     \n\t"      \
-  "   %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP2"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "   %["#TEMP1"],   %["#TEMP3"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "   %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP2"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "   %["#TEMP3"],   %["#TEMP3"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "         %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP1"]        \n\t"      \
-  "         %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP3"]        \n\t"      \
-  "rotr            %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP0"],   16                 \n\t"      \
-  "         %["#TEMP1"],   %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP0"]        \n\t"      \
-  "         %["#TEMP3"],   %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP0"]        \n\t"      \
-  "seh             %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP1"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "sra             %[temp16],     %["#TEMP1"],   16                 \n\t"      \
-  "seh             %[temp19],     %["#TEMP3"]                       \n\t"      \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP3"],   %["#TEMP3"],   16                 \n\t"      \
-  "subu            %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP0"],   %[temp16]          \n\t"      \
-  "addu            %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP0"],   %[temp16]          \n\t"      \
-  "mul             %[temp17],     %[temp19],     %[c2217]           \n\t"      \
-  "mul             %[temp18],     %["#TEMP3"],   %[c5352]           \n\t"      \
-  "mul             %["#TEMP1"],   %[temp19],     %[c5352]           \n\t"      \
-  "mul             %[temp16],     %["#TEMP3"],   %[c2217]           \n\t"      \
-  "sll             %["#TEMP2"],   %["#TEMP2"],   3                  \n\t"      \
-  "sll             %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP0"],   3                  \n\t"      \
-  "subu            %["#TEMP3"],   %[temp17],     %[temp18]          \n\t"      \
-  "addu            %["#TEMP1"],   %[temp16],     %["#TEMP1"]        \n\t"      \
-  "addiu           %["#TEMP3"],   %["#TEMP3"],   937                \n\t"      \
-  "addiu           %["#TEMP1"],   %["#TEMP1"],   1812               \n\t"      \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP3"],   %["#TEMP3"],   9                  \n\t"      \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP1"],   %["#TEMP1"],   9                  \n\t"
+  "lw              %[" #TEMP0 "],   0(%[args])                          \n\t"  \
+  "lw              %[" #TEMP1 "],   4(%[args])                          \n\t"  \
+  "lw              %[" #TEMP2 "],   "XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP0 "])   \n\t"  \
+  "lw              %[" #TEMP3 "],   "XSTR(BPS)"*" #A "(%[" #TEMP1 "])   \n\t"  \
+  "   %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "]                       \n\t"  \
+  "   %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "]                       \n\t"  \
+  "   %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "]                       \n\t"  \
+  "   %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "]                       \n\t"  \
+  "         %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP1 "]      \n\t"  \
+  "         %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "]      \n\t"  \
+  "rotr            %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   16                 \n\t"  \
+  "         %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "]      \n\t"  \
+  "         %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "]      \n\t"  \
+  "seh             %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP1 "]                       \n\t"  \
+  "sra             %[temp16],     %[" #TEMP1 "],   16                   \n\t"  \
+  "seh             %[temp19],     %[" #TEMP3 "]                         \n\t"  \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "],   16                 \n\t"  \
+  "subu            %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[temp16]          \n\t"  \
+  "addu            %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[temp16]          \n\t"  \
+  "mul             %[temp17],     %[temp19],     %[c2217]               \n\t"  \
+  "mul             %[temp18],     %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[c5352]             \n\t"  \
+  "mul             %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[temp19],     %[c5352]             \n\t"  \
+  "mul             %[temp16],     %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[c2217]             \n\t"  \
+  "sll             %[" #TEMP2 "],   %[" #TEMP2 "],   3                  \n\t"  \
+  "sll             %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   3                  \n\t"  \
+  "subu            %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[temp17],     %[temp18]            \n\t"  \
+  "addu            %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[temp16],     %[" #TEMP1 "]        \n\t"  \
+  "addiu           %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "],   937                \n\t"  \
+  "addiu           %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[" #TEMP1 "],   1812               \n\t"  \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP3 "],   %[" #TEMP3 "],   9                  \n\t"  \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP1 "],   %[" #TEMP1 "],   9                  \n\t"
 // macro for one vertical pass in FTransform
 // temp0..temp15 holds tmp[0]..tmp[15]
 // A..D - offsets in bytes to store to out buffer
 // TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8 and TEMP12 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
 #define VERTICAL_PASS(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP4, TEMP8, TEMP12)                 \
-  "addu            %[temp16],     %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP12"] \n\t"            \
-  "subu            %[temp19],     %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP12"] \n\t"            \
-  "addu            %[temp17],     %["#TEMP4"],   %["#TEMP8"]  \n\t"            \
-  "subu            %[temp18],     %["#TEMP4"],   %["#TEMP8"]  \n\t"            \
-  "mul             %["#TEMP8"],   %[temp19],     %[c2217]     \n\t"            \
-  "mul             %["#TEMP12"],  %[temp18],     %[c2217]     \n\t"            \
-  "mul             %["#TEMP4"],   %[temp19],     %[c5352]     \n\t"            \
-  "mul             %[temp18],     %[temp18],     %[c5352]     \n\t"            \
-  "addiu           %[temp16],     %[temp16],     7            \n\t"            \
-  "addu            %["#TEMP0"],   %[temp16],     %[temp17]    \n\t"            \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP0"],   %["#TEMP0"],   4            \n\t"            \
-  "addu            %["#TEMP12"],  %["#TEMP12"],  %["#TEMP4"]  \n\t"            \
-  "subu            %["#TEMP4"],   %[temp16],     %[temp17]    \n\t"            \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP4"],   %["#TEMP4"],   4            \n\t"            \
-  "addiu           %["#TEMP8"],   %["#TEMP8"],   30000        \n\t"            \
-  "addiu           %["#TEMP12"],  %["#TEMP12"],  12000        \n\t"            \
-  "addiu           %["#TEMP8"],   %["#TEMP8"],   21000        \n\t"            \
-  "subu            %["#TEMP8"],   %["#TEMP8"],   %[temp18]    \n\t"            \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP12"],  %["#TEMP12"],  16           \n\t"            \
-  "sra             %["#TEMP8"],   %["#TEMP8"],   16           \n\t"            \
-  "addiu           %[temp16],     %["#TEMP12"],  1            \n\t"            \
-  "movn            %["#TEMP12"],  %[temp16],     %[temp19]    \n\t"            \
-  "sh              %["#TEMP0"],   "#A"(%[temp20])             \n\t"            \
-  "sh              %["#TEMP4"],   "#C"(%[temp20])             \n\t"            \
-  "sh              %["#TEMP8"],   "#D"(%[temp20])             \n\t"            \
-  "sh              %["#TEMP12"],  "#B"(%[temp20])             \n\t"
+  "addu            %[temp16],     %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP12 "]   \n\t"      \
+  "subu            %[temp19],     %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP12 "]   \n\t"      \
+  "addu            %[temp17],     %[" #TEMP4 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "]    \n\t"      \
+  "subu            %[temp18],     %[" #TEMP4 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "]    \n\t"      \
+  "mul             %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[temp19],     %[c2217]         \n\t"      \
+  "mul             %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[temp18],     %[c2217]         \n\t"      \
+  "mul             %[" #TEMP4 "],   %[temp19],     %[c5352]         \n\t"      \
+  "mul             %[temp18],     %[temp18],     %[c5352]           \n\t"      \
+  "addiu           %[temp16],     %[temp16],     7                  \n\t"      \
+  "addu            %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[temp16],     %[temp17]        \n\t"      \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP0 "],   %[" #TEMP0 "],   4              \n\t"      \
+  "addu            %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[" #TEMP4 "]  \n\t"      \
+  "subu            %[" #TEMP4 "],   %[temp16],     %[temp17]        \n\t"      \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP4 "],   %[" #TEMP4 "],   4              \n\t"      \
+  "addiu           %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "],   30000          \n\t"      \
+  "addiu           %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[" #TEMP12 "],  12000          \n\t"      \
+  "addiu           %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "],   21000          \n\t"      \
+  "subu            %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[temp18]      \n\t"      \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[" #TEMP12 "],  16             \n\t"      \
+  "sra             %[" #TEMP8 "],   %[" #TEMP8 "],   16             \n\t"      \
+  "addiu           %[temp16],     %[" #TEMP12 "],  1                \n\t"      \
+  "movn            %[" #TEMP12 "],  %[temp16],     %[temp19]        \n\t"      \
+  "sh              %[" #TEMP0 "],   " #A "(%[temp20])               \n\t"      \
+  "sh              %[" #TEMP4 "],   " #C "(%[temp20])               \n\t"      \
+  "sh              %[" #TEMP8 "],   " #D "(%[temp20])               \n\t"      \
+  "sh              %[" #TEMP12 "],  " #B "(%[temp20])               \n\t"
 static void FTransform(const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* ref, int16_t* out) {
   const int c2217 = 2217;
@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ static int Disto16x16(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
 // Intra predictions
 #define FILL_PART(J, SIZE)                                          \
-    "usw        %[value],  0+"#J"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])    \n\t"      \
-    "usw        %[value],  4+"#J"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])    \n\t"      \
-  ".if "#SIZE" == 16                                     \n\t"      \
-    "usw        %[value],  8+"#J"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])    \n\t"      \
-    "usw        %[value], 12+"#J"*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])    \n\t"      \
+    "usw        %[value],  0+" #J "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])  \n\t"      \
+    "usw        %[value],  4+" #J "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])  \n\t"      \
+  ".if " #SIZE " == 16                                   \n\t"      \
+    "usw        %[value],  8+" #J "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])  \n\t"      \
+    "usw        %[value], 12+" #J "*"XSTR(BPS)"(%[dst])  \n\t"      \
   ".endif                                                \n\t"
 #define FILL_8_OR_16(DST, VALUE, SIZE) do {                         \
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ static int Disto16x16(const uint8_t* const a, const uint8_t* const b,
     FILL_PART( 5, SIZE)                                             \
     FILL_PART( 6, SIZE)                                             \
     FILL_PART( 7, SIZE)                                             \
-  ".if "#SIZE" == 16                                     \n\t"      \
+  ".if " #SIZE " == 16                                   \n\t"      \
     FILL_PART( 8, 16)                                               \
     FILL_PART( 9, 16)                                               \
     FILL_PART(10, 16)                                               \
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ HORIZONTAL_PRED(dst, left, 16)
     CLIPPING()                                                                 \
     "usw             %[temp0],   0(%[dst])               \n\t"                 \
     "usw             %[temp1],   4(%[dst])               \n\t"                 \
-  ".if "#SIZE" == 16                                     \n\t"                 \
+  ".if " #SIZE" == 16                                    \n\t"                 \
     "ulw             %[temp0],   8(%[top])               \n\t"                 \
     "ulw             %[temp1],   12(%[top])              \n\t"                 \
     CLIPPING()                                                                 \
@@ -1060,8 +1060,8 @@ static void Intra4Preds(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* top) {
 #if !defined(WORK_AROUND_GCC)
 #define GET_SSE_INNER(A)                                                  \
-  "lw               %[temp0],    "#A"(%[a])                    \n\t"      \
-  "lw               %[temp1],    "#A"(%[b])                    \n\t"      \
+  "lw               %[temp0],    " #A "(%[a])                  \n\t"      \
+  "lw               %[temp1],    " #A "(%[b])                  \n\t"      \
   "    %[temp2],    %[temp0]                      \n\t"      \
   "    %[temp0],    %[temp0]                      \n\t"      \
   "    %[temp3],    %[temp1]                      \n\t"      \
@@ -1185,28 +1185,28 @@ static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
 // N - offset in bytes (n * 2)
 // N1 - offset in bytes ((n + 1) * 2)
 #define QUANTIZE_ONE(J, K, N, N1)                                         \
-  "ulw         %[temp1],     "#J"(%[ppin])                   \n\t"        \
-  "ulw         %[temp2],     "#J"(%[ppsharpen])              \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp3],     "#K"(%[ppzthresh])              \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp6],     "#K"+4(%[ppzthresh])            \n\t"        \
+  "ulw         %[temp1],     " #J "(%[ppin])                 \n\t"        \
+  "ulw         %[temp2],     " #J "(%[ppsharpen])            \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp3],     " #K "(%[ppzthresh])            \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp6],     " #K "+4(%[ppzthresh])          \n\t"        \
   "   %[temp4],     %[temp1]                        \n\t"        \
   "ins         %[temp3],     %[temp6],         16,       16  \n\t"        \
   "     %[coeff],     %[temp4],         %[temp2]      \n\t"        \
   "     %[sign],      %[temp1],         15            \n\t"        \
   "li          %[level],     0x10001                         \n\t"        \
   "   %[temp3],     %[coeff]                        \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp1],     "#J"(%[ppiq])                   \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp1],     " #J"(%[ppiq])                  \n\t"        \
   "     %[temp5],     %[level],         $0            \n\t"        \
-  "lw          %[temp2],     "#K"(%[ppbias])                 \n\t"        \
+  "lw          %[temp2],     " #K"(%[ppbias])                \n\t"        \
   "beqz        %[temp5],     0f                              \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp3],     "#J"(%[ppq])                    \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp3],     " #J"(%[ppq])                   \n\t"        \
   "beq         %[temp5],     %[level],         1f            \n\t"        \
   "andi        %[temp5],     %[temp5],         0x1           \n\t"        \
   "andi        %[temp4],     %[coeff],         0xffff        \n\t"        \
   "beqz        %[temp5],     2f                              \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[level],     %[temp4],         %[temp1]      \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#J"+2(%[ppin])                 \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#N1"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #J"+2(%[ppin])                \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #N1"(%[pout])                 \n\t"        \
   "addu        %[level],     %[level],         %[temp2]      \n\t"        \
   "sra         %[level],     %[level],         17            \n\t"        \
   "slt         %[temp4],     %[max_level],     %[level]      \n\t"        \
@@ -1216,15 +1216,15 @@ static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   "subu        %[level],     %[level],         %[temp6]      \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[temp5],     %[level],         %[temp3]      \n\t"        \
   "or          %[ret],       %[ret],           %[level]      \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[level],     "#N"(%[pout])                   \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[temp5],     "#J"(%[ppin])                   \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[level],     " #N"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[temp5],     " #J"(%[ppin])                  \n\t"        \
   "j           3f                                            \n\t"        \
 "2:                                                          \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp1],     "#J"+2(%[ppiq])                 \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp1],     " #J"+2(%[ppiq])                \n\t"        \
   "srl         %[temp5],     %[coeff],         16            \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[level],     %[temp5],         %[temp1]      \n\t"        \
-  "lw          %[temp2],     "#K"+4(%[ppbias])               \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp3],     "#J"+2(%[ppq])                  \n\t"        \
+  "lw          %[temp2],     " #K"+4(%[ppbias])              \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp3],     " #J"+2(%[ppq])                 \n\t"        \
   "addu        %[level],     %[level],         %[temp2]      \n\t"        \
   "sra         %[level],     %[level],         17            \n\t"        \
   "srl         %[temp6],     %[sign],          16            \n\t"        \
@@ -1233,20 +1233,20 @@ static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   "xor         %[level],     %[level],         %[temp6]      \n\t"        \
   "subu        %[level],     %[level],         %[temp6]      \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[temp5],     %[level],         %[temp3]      \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#J"(%[ppin])                   \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#N"(%[pout])                   \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #J"(%[ppin])                  \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #N"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
   "or          %[ret],       %[ret],           %[level]      \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[temp5],     "#J"+2(%[ppin])                 \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[level],     "#N1"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[temp5],     " #J"+2(%[ppin])                \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[level],     " #N1"(%[pout])                 \n\t"        \
   "j           3f                                            \n\t"        \
 "1:                                                          \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp1],     "#J"(%[ppiq])                   \n\t"        \
-  "lw          %[temp2],     "#K"(%[ppbias])                 \n\t"        \
-  "ulw         %[temp3],     "#J"(%[ppq])                    \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp1],     " #J"(%[ppiq])                  \n\t"        \
+  "lw          %[temp2],     " #K"(%[ppbias])                \n\t"        \
+  "ulw         %[temp3],     " #J"(%[ppq])                   \n\t"        \
   "andi        %[temp5],     %[coeff],         0xffff        \n\t"        \
   "srl         %[temp0],     %[coeff],         16            \n\t"        \
-  "lhu         %[temp6],     "#J"+2(%[ppiq])                 \n\t"        \
-  "lw          %[coeff],     "#K"+4(%[ppbias])               \n\t"        \
+  "lhu         %[temp6],     " #J"+2(%[ppiq])                \n\t"        \
+  "lw          %[coeff],     " #K"+4(%[ppbias])              \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[level],     %[temp5],         %[temp1]      \n\t"        \
   "mul         %[temp4],     %[temp0],         %[temp6]      \n\t"        \
   "addu        %[level],     %[level],         %[temp2]      \n\t"        \
@@ -1259,15 +1259,15 @@ static int SSE4x4(const uint8_t* a, const uint8_t* b) {
   "     %[level],     %[level],         %[sign]       \n\t"        \
   "      %[temp3],     %[level],         %[temp3]      \n\t"        \
   "or          %[ret],       %[ret],           %[level]      \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[level],     "#N"(%[pout])                   \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[level],     " #N"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
   "srl         %[level],     %[level],         16            \n\t"        \
-  "sh          %[level],     "#N1"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
-  "usw         %[temp3],     "#J"(%[ppin])                   \n\t"        \
+  "sh          %[level],     " #N1"(%[pout])                 \n\t"        \
+  "usw         %[temp3],     " #J"(%[ppin])                  \n\t"        \
   "j           3f                                            \n\t"        \
 "0:                                                          \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#N"(%[pout])                   \n\t"        \
-  "sh          $0,           "#N1"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
-  "usw         $0,           "#J"(%[ppin])                   \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #N"(%[pout])                  \n\t"        \
+  "sh          $0,           " #N1"(%[pout])                 \n\t"        \
+  "usw         $0,           " #J"(%[ppin])                  \n\t"        \
 "3:                                                          \n\t"
 static int QuantizeBlock(int16_t in[16], int16_t out[16],
@@ -1326,37 +1326,37 @@ static int Quantize2Blocks(int16_t in[32], int16_t out[32],
 // A, B, C, D - offset in bytes to load from in buffer
 // TEMP0, TEMP1 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
 #define HORIZONTAL_PASS_WHT(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP1)                          \
-  "lh              %["#TEMP0"],  "#A"(%[in])                \n\t"              \
-  "lh              %["#TEMP1"],  "#B"(%[in])                \n\t"              \
-  "lh              %[temp8],     "#C"(%[in])                \n\t"              \
-  "lh              %[temp9],     "#D"(%[in])                \n\t"              \
-  "ins             %["#TEMP1"],  %["#TEMP0"],  16,  16      \n\t"              \
+  "lh              %[" #TEMP0 "],  " #A "(%[in])            \n\t"              \
+  "lh              %[" #TEMP1 "],  " #B "(%[in])            \n\t"              \
+  "lh              %[temp8],     " #C "(%[in])              \n\t"              \
+  "lh              %[temp9],     " #D "(%[in])              \n\t"              \
+  "ins             %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  16,  16  \n\t"              \
   "ins             %[temp9],     %[temp8],     16,  16      \n\t"              \
-  "         %[temp8],     %["#TEMP1"],  %[temp9]     \n\t"              \
-  "         %[temp9],     %["#TEMP1"],  %[temp9]     \n\t"              \
-  "     %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]     \n\t"              \
+  "         %[temp8],     %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[temp9]   \n\t"              \
+  "         %[temp9],     %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[temp9]   \n\t"              \
+  "     %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]   \n\t"              \
   "append          %[temp8],     %[temp9],     16           \n\t"              \
-  "         %["#TEMP1"],  %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp8]     \n\t"              \
-  "         %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp8]     \n\t"              \
-  "rotr            %["#TEMP1"],  %["#TEMP1"],  16           \n\t"
+  "         %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp8] \n\t"              \
+  "         %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp8] \n\t"              \
+  "rotr            %[" #TEMP1 "],  %[" #TEMP1 "],  16       \n\t"
 // macro for one vertical pass in FTransformWHT
 // temp0..temp7 holds tmp[0]..tmp[15]
 // A, B, C, D - offsets in bytes to store to out buffer
 // TEMP0, TEMP2, TEMP4 and TEMP6 - registers for corresponding tmp elements
 #define VERTICAL_PASS_WHT(A, B, C, D, TEMP0, TEMP2, TEMP4, TEMP6)              \
-  "         %[temp8],     %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP4"]  \n\t"              \
-  "         %[temp9],     %["#TEMP2"],  %["#TEMP6"]  \n\t"              \
-  "         %["#TEMP2"],  %["#TEMP2"],  %["#TEMP6"]  \n\t"              \
-  "         %["#TEMP6"],  %["#TEMP0"],  %["#TEMP4"]  \n\t"              \
-  "        %["#TEMP0"],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]     \n\t"              \
-  "        %["#TEMP4"],  %["#TEMP6"],  %["#TEMP2"]  \n\t"              \
-  "        %["#TEMP2"],  %["#TEMP2"],  %["#TEMP6"]  \n\t"              \
-  "        %["#TEMP6"],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]     \n\t"              \
-  "usw             %["#TEMP0"],  "#A"(%[out])               \n\t"              \
-  "usw             %["#TEMP2"],  "#B"(%[out])               \n\t"              \
-  "usw             %["#TEMP4"],  "#C"(%[out])               \n\t"              \
-  "usw             %["#TEMP6"],  "#D"(%[out])               \n\t"
+  "         %[temp8],     %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP4 "]    \n\t"        \
+  "         %[temp9],     %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[" #TEMP6 "]    \n\t"        \
+  "         %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[" #TEMP6 "]  \n\t"        \
+  "         %[" #TEMP6 "],  %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[" #TEMP4 "]  \n\t"        \
+  "        %[" #TEMP0 "],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]         \n\t"        \
+  "        %[" #TEMP4 "],  %[" #TEMP6 "],  %[" #TEMP2 "]  \n\t"        \
+  "        %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[" #TEMP2 "],  %[" #TEMP6 "]  \n\t"        \
+  "        %[" #TEMP6 "],  %[temp8],     %[temp9]         \n\t"        \
+  "usw             %[" #TEMP0 "],  " #A "(%[out])                 \n\t"        \
+  "usw             %[" #TEMP2 "],  " #B "(%[out])                 \n\t"        \
+  "usw             %[" #TEMP4 "],  " #C "(%[out])                 \n\t"        \
+  "usw             %[" #TEMP6 "],  " #D "(%[out])                 \n\t"
 static void FTransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
   int temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;
@@ -1385,10 +1385,10 @@ static void FTransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
 // convert 8 coeffs at time
 // A, B, C, D - offsets in bytes to load from out buffer
 #define CONVERT_COEFFS_TO_BIN(A, B, C, D)                                      \
-  "ulw        %[temp0],  "#A"(%[out])                  \n\t"                   \
-  "ulw        %[temp1],  "#B"(%[out])                  \n\t"                   \
-  "ulw        %[temp2],  "#C"(%[out])                  \n\t"                   \
-  "ulw        %[temp3],  "#D"(%[out])                  \n\t"                   \
+  "ulw        %[temp0],  " #A "(%[out])                \n\t"                   \
+  "ulw        %[temp1],  " #B "(%[out])                \n\t"                   \
+  "ulw        %[temp2],  " #C "(%[out])                \n\t"                   \
+  "ulw        %[temp3],  " #D "(%[out])                \n\t"                   \
   "  %[temp0],  %[temp0]                      \n\t"                   \
   "  %[temp1],  %[temp1]                      \n\t"                   \
   "  %[temp2],  %[temp2]                      \n\t"                   \
diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.filters_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.filters_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 56fd951..caf3c6c 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.filters_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.filters_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
       "srl       %[temp0],    %[length],    0x2         \n\t"                  \
       "beqz      %[temp0],    4f                        \n\t"                  \
       " andi     %[temp6],    %[length],    0x3         \n\t"                  \
-    ".if "#INVERSE"                                     \n\t"                  \
+    ".if " #INVERSE"                                    \n\t"                  \
       "lbu       %[temp1],    -1(%[src])                \n\t"                  \
     "1:                                                 \n\t"                  \
       "lbu       %[temp2],    0(%[src])                 \n\t"                  \
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
       "lbu       %[temp1],    -1(%[src])                \n\t"                  \
       "lbu       %[temp2],    0(%[src])                 \n\t"                  \
       "addiu     %[src],      %[src],       1           \n\t"                  \
-    ".if "#INVERSE"                                     \n\t"                  \
+    ".if " #INVERSE"                                    \n\t"                  \
       "addu      %[temp3],    %[temp1],     %[temp2]    \n\t"                  \
       "sb        %[temp3],    -1(%[src])                \n\t"                  \
     ".else                                              \n\t"                  \
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void PredictLine(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
       "ulw       %[temp3],    4(%[src])                 \n\t"                  \
       "ulw       %[temp4],    4(%[pred])                \n\t"                  \
       "addiu     %[src],      %[src],       8           \n\t"                  \
-    ".if "#INVERSE"                                     \n\t"                  \
+    ".if " #INVERSE"                                    \n\t"                  \
       "addu.qb   %[temp5],    %[temp1],     %[temp2]    \n\t"                  \
       "addu.qb   %[temp6],    %[temp3],     %[temp4]    \n\t"                  \
     ".else                                              \n\t"                  \
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void PredictLine(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
       "lbu       %[temp2],    0(%[pred])                \n\t"                  \
       "addiu     %[src],      %[src],       1           \n\t"                  \
       "addiu     %[pred],     %[pred],      1           \n\t"                  \
-    ".if "#INVERSE"                                     \n\t"                  \
+    ".if " #INVERSE"                                    \n\t"                  \
       "addu      %[temp3],    %[temp1],     %[temp2]    \n\t"                  \
     ".else                                              \n\t"                  \
       "subu      %[temp3],    %[temp1],     %[temp2]    \n\t"                  \
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static WEBP_INLINE void PredictLine(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
     __asm__ volatile (                                                         \
       "lbu       %[temp1],   0(%[src])               \n\t"                     \
       "lbu       %[temp2],   0(%[pred])              \n\t"                     \
-    ".if "#INVERSE"                                  \n\t"                     \
+    ".if " #INVERSE"                                 \n\t"                     \
       "addu      %[temp3],   %[temp1],   %[temp2]    \n\t"                     \
     ".else                                           \n\t"                     \
       "subu      %[temp3],   %[temp1],   %[temp2]    \n\t"                     \
diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 4897567..0cee639 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.lossless_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ static void FUNC_NAME(const TYPE* src,                                         \
     for (x = 0; x < (width >> 2); ++x) {                                       \
       int tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;                                              \
       __asm__ volatile (                                                       \
-      ".ifc        "#TYPE",  uint8_t                    \n\t"                  \
+      ".ifc        " #TYPE",  uint8_t                   \n\t"                  \
         "lbu       %[tmp1],  0(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "lbu       %[tmp2],  1(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "lbu       %[tmp3],  2(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "lbu       %[tmp4],  3(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "addiu     %[src],   %[src],      4             \n\t"                  \
       ".endif                                           \n\t"                  \
-      ".ifc        "#TYPE",  uint32_t                   \n\t"                  \
+      ".ifc        " #TYPE",  uint32_t                  \n\t"                  \
         "lw        %[tmp1],  0(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "lw        %[tmp2],  4(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
         "lw        %[tmp3],  8(%[src])                  \n\t"                  \
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static void FUNC_NAME(const TYPE* src,                                         \
         "lwx       %[tmp2],  %[tmp2](%[color_map])      \n\t"                  \
         "lwx       %[tmp3],  %[tmp3](%[color_map])      \n\t"                  \
         "lwx       %[tmp4],  %[tmp4](%[color_map])      \n\t"                  \
-      ".ifc        "#TYPE",  uint8_t                    \n\t"                  \
+      ".ifc        " #TYPE",  uint8_t                   \n\t"                  \
         "ext       %[tmp1],  %[tmp1],     8,        8   \n\t"                  \
         "ext       %[tmp2],  %[tmp2],     8,        8   \n\t"                  \
         "ext       %[tmp3],  %[tmp3],     8,        8   \n\t"                  \
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static void FUNC_NAME(const TYPE* src,                                         \
         "sb        %[tmp4],  3(%[dst])                  \n\t"                  \
         "addiu     %[dst],   %[dst],      4             \n\t"                  \
       ".endif                                           \n\t"                  \
-      ".ifc        "#TYPE",  uint32_t                   \n\t"                  \
+      ".ifc        " #TYPE",  uint32_t                  \n\t"                  \
         "sw        %[tmp1],  0(%[dst])                  \n\t"                  \
         "sw        %[tmp2],  4(%[dst])                  \n\t"                  \
         "sw        %[tmp3],  8(%[dst])                  \n\t"                  \
diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 33f87c5..7c60bea 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.upsampling_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@
     G = G - t2 + kGCst;                                                        \
     B = B + kBCst;                                                             \
     __asm__ volatile (                                                         \
-      "shll_s.w         %["#R"],      %["#R"],        9              \n\t"     \
-      "shll_s.w         %["#G"],      %["#G"],        9              \n\t"     \
-      "shll_s.w         %["#B"],      %["#B"],        9              \n\t"     \
-      "  %["#R"],      %["#R"],        $zero          \n\t"     \
-      "  %["#G"],      %["#G"],        $zero          \n\t"     \
-      "  %["#B"],      %["#B"],        $zero          \n\t"     \
-      "srl              %["#R"],      %["#R"],        24             \n\t"     \
-      "srl              %["#G"],      %["#G"],        24             \n\t"     \
-      "srl              %["#B"],      %["#B"],        24             \n\t"     \
+      "shll_s.w         %[" #R "],      %[" #R "],        9          \n\t"     \
+      "shll_s.w         %[" #G "],      %[" #G "],        9          \n\t"     \
+      "shll_s.w         %[" #B "],      %[" #B "],        9          \n\t"     \
+      "  %[" #R "],      %[" #R "],        $zero      \n\t"     \
+      "  %[" #G "],      %[" #G "],        $zero      \n\t"     \
+      "  %[" #B "],      %[" #B "],        $zero      \n\t"     \
+      "srl              %[" #R "],      %[" #R "],        24         \n\t"     \
+      "srl              %[" #G "],      %[" #G "],        24         \n\t"     \
+      "srl              %[" #B "],      %[" #B "],        24         \n\t"     \
       : [R]"+r"(R), [G]"+r"(G), [B]"+r"(B)                                     \
       :                                                                        \
     );                                                                         \
diff --git a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c
index 9cfa50b..b3b54c5 100644
--- a/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c
+++ b/Source/LibWebP/src/dsp/dsp.yuv_mips_dsp_r2.c
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
   "addu             %[temp5],   %[temp0],       %[temp1]        \n\t"          \
   "subu             %[temp6],   %[temp0],       %[temp2]        \n\t"          \
   "addu             %[temp7],   %[temp0],       %[temp4]        \n\t"          \
-".if "#K"                                                       \n\t"          \
+".if " #K"                                                      \n\t"          \
   "lbu              %[temp0],   1(%[y])                         \n\t"          \
 ".endif                                                         \n\t"          \
   "shll_s.w         %[temp5],   %[temp5],       9               \n\t"          \
   "shll_s.w         %[temp6],   %[temp6],       9               \n\t"          \
-".if "#K"                                                       \n\t"          \
+".if " #K"                                                      \n\t"          \
   "mul              %[temp0],   %[t_con_5],     %[temp0]        \n\t"          \
 ".endif                                                         \n\t"          \
   "shll_s.w         %[temp7],   %[temp7],       9               \n\t"          \
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
   "srl              %[temp5],   %[temp5],       24              \n\t"          \
   "srl              %[temp6],   %[temp6],       24              \n\t"          \
   "srl              %[temp7],   %[temp7],       24              \n\t"          \
-  "sb               %[temp5],   "#R"(%[dst])                    \n\t"          \
-  "sb               %[temp6],   "#G"(%[dst])                    \n\t"          \
-  "sb               %[temp7],   "#B"(%[dst])                    \n\t"          \
+  "sb               %[temp5],   " #R "(%[dst])                  \n\t"          \
+  "sb               %[temp6],   " #G "(%[dst])                  \n\t"          \
+  "sb               %[temp7],   " #B "(%[dst])                  \n\t"          \
 #define ASM_CLOBBER_LIST()                                                     \
   : [temp0]"=&r"(temp0), [temp1]"=&r"(temp1), [temp2]"=&r"(temp2),             \