# Copyright 2017 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require desktop-utils gtk-icon-cache require github [ tag="v${PV}" ] require qmake [ slot=5 ] SUMMARY="Data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL" DESCRIPTION=" pgModeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler - is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more DDL commands written by hand let pgModeler do the job for you! This software reunites the concepts of entity-relationship diagrams and the features that PostgreSQL implements as extensions of SQL standards. " HOMEPAGE="https://pgmodeler.io/ ${HOMEPAGE}" LICENCES="GPL-3" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build: virtual/pkg-config x11-libs/qttools:5 build+run: dev-db/postgresql dev-libs/libxml2 group/pgmodeler x11-libs/qtbase:5 x11-libs/qtsvg:5 " BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" src_configure() { EQMAKE_PARAMS=( "CONFDIR=/etc/pgmodeler/conf" "DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/${PNV}" "PLUGINSDIR=/etc/pgmodeler/plugins" "PREFIX=/usr/$(exhost --target)" "SHAREDIR=/usr/share/pgmodeler" ) qmake_src_configure } src_install() { emake INSTALL_ROOT="${IMAGE}" install keepdir /etc/pgmodeler/plugins edo chmod g+w "${IMAGE}"/etc/pgmodeler/plugins edo chown :pgmodeler "${IMAGE}"/etc/pgmodeler/plugins insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps newins libpgmodeler_ui/res/icones/pgsqlModeler48x48.png ${PN}.png install_desktop_entry "Name=PostgreSQL Database Modeler" } pkg_postinst() { elog "Plugin directory is /etc/pgmodeler/plugins" elog "and has write permissions for 'pgmodeler' group." gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postinst }