# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require gtk-icon-cache require autotools [ supported_autoconf=[ 2.5 ] supported_automake=[ 1.13 ] ] SUMMARY="Free Awale - The game of all Africa" HOMEPAGE="http://www.nongnu.org/awale/" DOWNLOADS="http://mirror.unicorncloud.org/savannah-nongnu/awale/${PNV}.tar.gz" LICENCES="GPL-2" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" DEPENDENCIES=" run: dev-lang/tcl dev-lang/tk " DEFAULT_SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES=( "${FILES}"/${PNV}-build.patch ) DEFAULT_SRC_CONFIGURE_PARAMS=( --enable-tk ) src_prepare() { default edo mv src/xawale.tcl src/xawale.tcl.in edo mv configure.in configure.ac eautoreconf } src_install() { default dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS edo chmod +x "${IMAGE}"/usr/share/${PN}/xawale.tcl }