# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require bitbucket [ user=gennady tag=v${PV} ] SUMMARY="A port of Jagged Alliance 2 to SDL" HOMEPAGE+=" http://tron.homeunix.org/ja2/" DOWNLOADS+=" mirror://gentoo/editor.slf.gz" LICENCES="SFI-SCLA" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" DEPENDENCIES=" build+run: media-libs/SDL:0[X] " DEFAULT_SRC_PREPARE_PATCHES=( "${FILES}"/${PNV}-makefile.patch ) src_unpack() { default edo mv gennady-ja2-stracciatella-* ${WORK} } src_configure() { # not an autoconf script edo ./configure --prefix=/usr } src_compile() { emake Q="" } src_install() { emake \ BINARY_DIR="${IMAGE}/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin" \ MANPAGE_DIR="${IMAGE}/usr/share/man/man6" \ FULL_PATH_EXTRA_DATA_DIR="${IMAGE}/usr/share/ja2" \ install insinto /usr/share/ja2/data doins "${WORKBASE}"/editor.slf insinto /usr/share/applications hereins ${PN}.desktop <<EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=ja2-stracciatella Type=Application Comment=A port of Jagged Alliance 2 to SDL Exec=ja2 TryExec=ja2 Icon=ja2-stracciatella Categories=Game;StrategyGame; EOF } pkg_postinst() { elog "You need to copy all files from the Data directory of" elog "Jagged Alliance 2 installation to" elog "/usr/share/ja2/data " elog "Make sure the filenames are lowercase. You may want to run the" elog "script" elog "/usr/bin/ja2-convert" }