# Copyright 2016 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require gtk-icon-cache freedesktop-desktop require setup-py [ import=distutils blacklist="2" multibuild=false python_opts="[sqlite]" ] SUMMARY="A desktop wiki" HOMEPAGE="http://zim-wiki.org/" DOWNLOADS="http://zim-wiki.org/downloads/${PNV/_rc/-rc}.tar.gz" LICENCES=" BSD-3 || ( GPL-2 GPL-3 ) " SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build: x11-apps/xdg-utils build+run: gnome-bindings/pygobject:3[python_abis:*(-)?] x11-libs/gtk+:3[>=3.18] recommendation: dev-python/pyxdg[python_abis:*(-)?] suggestion: app-text/dvipng [[ note = [ equation plugin ] ]] app-text/texlive-core [[ note = [ equation plugin ] ]] dev-libs/zeitgeist:2.0 dev-scm/bzr [[ note = [ version control plugin ] ]] media-gfx/graphviz [[ note = [ diagram editor plugin ] ]] media-gfx/ImageMagick [[ note = [ screenshot plugin ] ]] media-gfx/scrot [[ note = [ screenshot plugin ] ]] media-sound/lilypond [[ note = [ music score plugin ] ]] sci-apps/gnuplot " # Requires X server RESTRICT="test" WORK=${WORKBASE}/${PNV/_rc/-rc} pkg_setup() { unset DISPLAY # tries to access X socket } src_test() { PYTHONPATH="${PWD}/build/lib" \ edo ${PYTHON} test.py } pkg_postinst() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postinst gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postinst } pkg_postrm() { freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postrm gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postrm }