# Copyright 2019 Julian Ospald <hasufell@posteo.de> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 require qmake [ slot=5 ] require github [ user="gottcode" ] require gtk-icon-cache freedesktop-desktop SUMMARY="Fullscreen and distraction-free word processor" DESCRIPTION=" FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work. It’s available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, and has been translated into many different languages. " HOMEPAGE="https://gottcode.org/${PN}/ ${HOMEPAGE}" DOWNLOADS="https://gottcode.org/${PN}/${PNV}-src.tar.bz2" LICENCES="GPL-3" SLOT="0" PLATFORMS="~amd64 ~x86" MYOPTIONS="" DEPENDENCIES=" build: virtual/pkg-config build+run: app-spell/hunspell:= sys-libs/zlib x11-libs/qtbase:5 x11-libs/qtmultimedia:5 " BUGS_TO="hasufell@posteo.de" UPSTREAM_CHANGELOG="https://github.com/gottcode/${PN}/blob/master/ChangeLog" DEFAULT_SRC_INSTALL_PARAMS=( INSTALL_ROOT="${IMAGE}" ) src_configure() { EQMAKE_PARAMS=( PREFIX=/usr BINDIR=/usr/$(exhost --target)/bin ) qmake_src_configure } pkg_postinst() { gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postinst freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postinst } pkg_postrm() { gtk-icon-cache_pkg_postrm freedesktop-desktop_pkg_postrm }